600-12 Rehabilitation Flashcards
Rehab Sector/Group
Incident function to provide rest, nourishment, comfort, and medical assessment to on-scene personnel.
Rehab purpose
to ensure the physical and mental condition of personnel does not deteriorate to a point that affects the safety of individual, crew, or integrity of the operation
Rehab Location
a. Provide protection from environmental conditions
b. far enough from incident to allow removal of protective clothing
c. free of exhaust fumes
d. large enough to accommodate multiple crews
e. easily accessible by EMS units
f. close to SCBA refill station
Initial Rehab
Where incident will be concluded within 6-8 period
Initial rehab is generally accomplished with
fire/rescue resources (on scene equipment or rehab units)
Long term rehab
Incident expected to take more than 6-8 hours
Long term rehab requires
assistance of external resources such as Salvation Army Canteen
The IC or ISO shall provide Rehab Officer with
List of units and # of personnel assigned to the incident
Procedure for crews leaving rehab
crews shall obtain their passports from Rehab Officer and report to staging
Hydration during heat stress
Personnel should consume at least 1 qt. water per hour
Rehydration solution
50/50 mix of water and commercially prepared activity beverage administered at 40 degrees
Two air bottle rule
Two bottles or 45 mins of work time is acceptable level of exertion before mandatory rehab
Rehab shall never be less than __ minutes?
10 mins
Rehab medical evaluation
vital signs shall be taken immediately upon entrance to rehab
If HR is greater than __ their temperature shall be taken
110 bpm
if temperature is above __, all protective clothing shall be removed
100.6 F
Chance of heat stress if negligible
All medical evaluation shall be recorded on
rehab worksheets
Rehab worksheets shall become part of __. The Rehab officer shall ensure that __.
incident record.
Incident Commander receives copies
Control of ingress/egress of personnel from Rehab is facilitated by use of ?
Accountability Passports