600-24 Civil Disturbance Flashcards
Disorderly or riotous disruption of the public peace by 3 or more people assembled for some private purpose which they affect to the terror of public
Civil Disturbance
Small scale acts that are handled at the local jurisdiction level
Tier I
Tier I local notifications and response deviations handled by
District Chief
Communication during Tier I disturbances
Use of MDT’s, cell phones should be used when possible. Limit what is said over the radio
An actual act of violence toward FD personnel has occurred in a specific area, no indication situation involves any other acts
Tier-II perimeter
1/2 mile in all directions from where act occured
__ recommended for all responses during Tier-II ops
Law Enforcement escorts
during Tier-II All personnel will respond to and from incidents w/in hazard area w/
Full PPE
Tier-II medical transports
Load and go
Ambulance ops during Tier II
do not enter hazard zone, stage well away from the area
During Tier-II __ are not to be used for responses w/ in impacted area
Emergency lights/sirens
A series of interrelated violent events occurred in a specific area (multiple set fires, series of assualts, looting)
Tier-III perimeter
1 mile in all directions of incident
During Tier-III, ECC shall ensure all emergency service requests are
Sent to Command
Law enforcement escorts are REQUIRED during
When no lives are at stake, emphasis on savable property. Fully involved property w/ no exposures
Left to burn