6. Leg Hook Takedown Flashcards
Leg Hook Takedown
Slice 1: Establish Clinch.
Position: Standing
Indication: Both Standing. You go to Clinch.
Shoot in with hands “Turtled Up”.
Your hips center above one of Op’s legs.
Squeeze with your head and shoulders in tight, leaning Op’s body back.
Wide base.
Note: Your head goes on Op’s chest or shoulder. Head up. Stay away from Op’s arm pit.
Leg Hook Takedown
Slice 2: Leg Hook Takedown.
Position: Standing
Indication: You have established Clinch.
Your leg that is towards the center of Op’s body takes a step in to center between Op’s legs.
Outside leg hooks calf to calf.
Swing Op’s leg backwards.
As they fall, release hook and take a big step into the fall.
Switch your hands to push on the way down.
Hips low and pass leg through to Mount.