13. Side Mount Position Control Flashcards
Side Mount Position Control
Slice 1: Bridge/Roll Prevention
How do you maintain the side mount against bridging and rolling.
Your body perpendicular.
One arm under Op’s far shoulder. Other arm under Op’s head.
Your head lo, on Op’s chest.
North foot extend high with you knee bent. Ball of foot on the ground. Bridge prevention.
South foot extended. Hips low. Roll prevention.
If Op bridges/rolls towards you or north, your north foot allows you to place weight on Oo’s chest.
If Op bridges/rolls away from you you will feel him squeeze you first.
Extend your outside arm to prevent the roll.
Op may place their elbow against your stomach to assist the roll. Pull their elbow up to get your hips close again.
Side Mount Position Control
Slice 2: Guard Prevention
Op may try to push your hips away, making room for their knee to slide in against your hips, and then transition to guard.
As soon as you feel Op push on your hip with his elbow or hand, switch you feet. South foot swings under and north foot out straight. This will make your hip heavy on the ground and nullify the hip push.
If Op gets his elbow against your hip again, you can pull it up with your hand and move your hips back in close.
If Op bridges/rolls, switch back to slice 1.
If Op slips their for arm in and pushes against your neck, pass it by pushing the elbow towards center and dropping your head down to their shoulder.
Side Mount Position Control
Slice 3: Side Mount to Mount transition.
You have good side mount position control and your Op is getting tired. How do you transition to mount?
Switch to knees. Try to get north knee inside and under Op’ arm.
Move south knee to Op’s stomach and post your far hand to stabilize.
Slide your knee to the ground.
Slide your knee south to stretch Op out and position your hips over Op.
When you have your knee pushed as far south as possible, roll your hips towards your knee and slap your foot down, keeping it as close to your bottom as possible (half guard prevention). Your other knee will leave the ground for a second.
Knees up to high mount. Stay here if Op leaves his legs flat.
If Op raises his knees, put the hooks in.