6/7/2020+ Examples of Positive Behavioral Requests Flashcards
Visit with individual with signs of stress/suffering involving emotions and thoughts.
Reassure individual that signs of stress/suffering involving emotions and thoughts are understandable in relation to the cause of suffering.
Visit with individual who is disconnected from family community.
Get individual access to phone to call loved one. Suggest email, social media, Google and Red Cross websites for specific disasters. Encourage call or email family community.
Visit with individual who needs information.
Guide individual to accurate, timely information resources.
Visit with individual who wants to end conversation.
Ask if can give any other assistance. Offer to provide contact information to resources. Inform supervisor of any concerns.
Visit with individual concerned with stigma of Disaster Mental Health
refer to disaster and stress counseling
Visit with individual with negative coping skills or interacting with people in a disaster with negative coping skills
Ask if want to talk to someone to help with coping strategies to alleviate stress/suffering. Ask if want to help others, focus on children, to improve coping strategies to alleviate stress/suffering and adjust.
Visit with individual talking about a fire.
“’The Red Cross has disaster counselors who talk with people who have experienced a fire. Would you like a call from a disaster counselor?’” p. 25
VIsit with individual with family with negative coping skills.
“’Red Cross counselors are trained to help people manage disaster stress. This includes helping you manage the challenges you are facing right now and what your family can expect down the road.’” p. 25
Visit with individual with children with negative coping skills.
“’Children have different reactions to disasters than adults. The Red Cross has counselors you can talk to if you are worried about your children or just want to know what behaviors to look for. Would you like to be contacted by a Red Cross counselor?’” p. 25
Visit with individual who talks about past mental health problems and has negative coping strategies.
“’You mentioned you have been treated for a mental health condition in the past. Would you like to talk to a Red Cross counselor?’” p. 25
Visit with individuals from the Red Cross with negative coping skills.
Ask how to contact Disaster Mental Health workers.
VIsit with individuals different from you.
Give respect, dignity.
Visit with individual saying someone is in immediate danger of harm.
Inform supervisor or DIsaster Mental Health worker
VIsit with individual that talks about difficult situation.
“’It sounds like that may have been a very difficult
frustrating/frightening/ stressful situation?’”
“Is there anything I can do for you right now?” p. 29
“‘Officials are telling residents that their apartment building is safe to enter even though the residents are upset about the building shaking every time a car goes by.’” p. 30
offer specific alternatives and reassure that Red Cross can meet needs
Make connection: “’Are you worried that the building is not safe for your kids because the building is still shaking’”
Help people to be safe: “’Let’s see if we can contact the city building inspector’s office. Perhaps we can have someone speak with you about the shaking?’”
Kind, calm and compassion: “’I can sure understand how you would be worried about your kids’ safety…’”
Meet people’s needs: “’What do you need right now?’”
Listen: focus attention on person, near or face.
Give reassurance: “’We will find some answers together’.”
Encourage positive coping: “’We have someone who can speak with you and the building inspector.’” “’We also have a Red Cross mental health worker who can address your concerns about how the kids are doing.’”
Help connect: “’Do you have friends or family close by who you can call to be with you right now?’”
Give information “’Our understanding is xxx…, but here is an 800 number you can call to ask specific questions. One of our workers can help you contact them right now.’”
End the conversation: “’Is there anything else I can help you with right now?’”