6/10 - 50 Cards D Flashcards
teaching athletes on proper spotting exercise technique will likely decrease what?
risk of liability exposure
elbow flexion against resistance like a DB curl is an example of which lever?
3rd class
which of these are single joint?
1) tricep extension 2) squat 3) power clean
which is a proper exercise progression within plyometric training?
squat jump, single leg ankle hop, cycled split squat jump
which is used to decrease of overtraining and is placed between each phase?
how much recovery time is needed for muscle endurance?
up to 30 seconds
10 reps for 3 sets at 100lbs is what training load?
= 3000 pounds
which muscle is strengthened by lunges/deadlifts
rectus femoris
how does low protein affect calcium absorption?
decrease calcium absorption
push ups, pull ups, chin ups are examples of what?
body weight exercises
which of the following is a measure of amino acid content and protein digestibility, providing with amino acids necessary for growth, maintenance and repair?
protein quality
which of the following training modes uses electric transport chain used most?
long distance aerobic training
for long term improvement, how often should an athlete do static stretches and how many weeks for how long of each stretch?
30 seconds, 2x per week, 5 weeks
a high jumper’s 1RM is 180, which would represent an appropriate training intensity and volume for a power clean during the power phase?
3 sets, 2 reps at 150
how many spotters should be used for 1RM power clean?
movement analytics, which best describes best of an offensive lineman?
grabbing, pushing, repelling and deflecting opponents
scientific study of measurements of the human body, including measurements, heigh, weight and body girth is what?
which phases of building a new facility should staff be finalizing decor?
pre operation
which tests would assess flexibility?
1) hexagon test 2) OH squat 3) yo-yo test
2) OH squat
moment arm is perpendicular distance from line of action of the force to the fulcrum. How does resistive moment arm change during a biceps curl from 90 degrees of flexion to full contraction?
it gets shorter
which is not a method to find your grip distance for the power snatch?
fist to opposite elbow
what is another name of an open grip?
false grip
which requires largest amount of floor space?
athletes needs to stretch glute maximus and illiopsoas which stretches would be most appropriate?
lunge and supine knee flex
measurement of the increased in energy expenditure after eating that includes the cost of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and storage of food in the body is called what?
thermic effect of food
which is released in the sarcoplasmic reticulum once an action potential has been sent?
calcium ions
an athlete is doing high-intensity exercise that lasts between 10-20seconds, which system pathways are being used for ATP?
anaerobic glycolysis, phosphagen
according to US army, what is low position for females during push up standard?
upper arms parallel to floor
safe and effective student to coach ratio is dependent on what?
age and experience of athletes
if banana has glycemic index of 51 and 25g of carbs/serving, what is glycemic load?
13 =GIxGramsCarbs/100
what should strength and power athletes consume after a trainign session or competition?
protein and carbs
where should tester stand when observing an OH squat?
from the side
in order to make an accurate skin fold, how should calipers be held in relation?
perpendicular to skinfold
during low intensity exercise with constant power output, body oxygen uptake increases for few minutes; what is this called?
steady state
when contract-relax stretching is being applied, which neuromuscular system is allowing greater ROM?
autogenic inhibition; individual actively stretches same muscle that is being stretched right before passive stretch
weightlifting movements should be lifted at what training percentages?
70-90% of 1RM
which is defined as the SEQUENCE of ResExercise in 1 session?
exercise order
100m sprinter –> which systems are being used?
phosphagen and glycolytic systems
transverse abduction and shoulder occurs in which action? 1) tennis serve 2) tennis backhand 3) volleyball serve
2) tennis backhand
maintaining certification helps with which legal aspect?
risk management
what is nutrition professional should do when providing an athlete with counseling?
athletes goals
which is most reliable results in order? 1RM, 12mi run, wingate, vertical jump
vertical, 1RM, wingate, 12mi run
which movement is elbow doing on downward phase of bench?
best potential disadvantage of single person spotting a squat?
inability of weight from failed squat off lifter
which following is true about oil on myplate?
oils should be limited to athletes with decrease caloric intake, they should not be completely take off diets
when you determine primary movements of sport of the knee/hip extension, what kind of analysis are you making?
sport analysis
how many trials for jumping exams?
best warm up for athletes?
dynamic stretches
aerobic athlete is competing at 0800 and eats at 0600 how many carbs is she eating?
1g of body weight
proper knee position for deadlift
slightly bent