5/18 - 50 Cards C Flashcards
who can be allowed to use the strength and conditioning facility?
students of physical education classes
muscle spindles are sensitive to what?
muscle length
what is goal of consuming fluids before exercise?
to avoid dehydration before exercise
a movement that uses a bouncing-like motion in which the end position is not held is called what?
ballistic stretching
a powerlifter who needs an assistive exercise to help increase bench would do what?
triceps extension; assistive exercises target smaller muscles to help one specific joint
what grip should be used in the push jerk and where should the hands be placed?
pronated with slightly wider than shoulders
which endocrine secretes Growth hormone?
anterior pituitary gland;
- testosterone: testes/ovaries
- insulin like growth factor: liver
is the average of a group of numbers
what type of program allows athlete to resistance train everyday and allows for hypertrophy gains?
split routines
highest metabolic equivalent?
outdoor cycling at 12mph
when testing for maximum speed, how far should they sprint?
the glenohumeral joint is known to perform movements in which planes?
transverse, sagittal and frontal
how would you describe trunk flexion?
torso moving towards legs
how should you not land in plyos?
chest upright;
- knees in line with toes
- shoulders over knees
- torso neutral
- weight balanced in feet
- no hard landings (soft landing)
squat jump–>squat jump (immediate)
squat jump –>hold–>squat jump (pause at bottom)
-what is the difference in the two?
decrease in hight difference of two jumps (2nd will be lower)
for athlete to perform power drop, MB for upper body, how can strength coach increase intensity?
increase height of box
which strategy of designing strength training involves systemic variation of training parameters in order to maximize effort?
which phase of designing/construction is longest during a new facility program?
which vitamins is fat soluble?
vit K:
- A,D,E,K (fat soluble)
- VitC/B12 (water soluble)
completion of what have positive effect on performance due to relaxation of both agonist/antagonist muscles?
warm up
which has shown to not increase testosterone?
long rest intervals
which foods increase calcium levels?
dark leafy veggies, broccoli, soy beans
when assessing program needs, strength coach does not need to consider what
variety of equipment for athletes
another term for low-speed muscular strength?
maximum muscular strength
most common monosacchardie and primary energy substrate for cells?
soccer team is testing, which test should they perform on a different day?
300 yard shuttle;
-40m sprint and 1RM bench test max strength
alternate which types of exercises can facilitate recovery and motor unit between exercises?
which must be obtained before training?
medical clearance
when planning a new facility, what is first step?
committee of professionals who are experts in areas of expertise
which food is not considered high levels of protein?
dry yellowish skin, intense fear of gaining weight, what disorder is this?
what pulls actin filamints?
which is not 1 of 4 principles in emergency team
document event in an injury
61kg athlete has 325g of car, 55g of protein, 75g of fat; how much % of caloric total is protein?
where should lifter be helping someone bench?
over chest
during which phase of SSCC is agonist stretched?
eccentric phase
which is a pull of bar from floor to OH in 1 movement
which is not characteristic of ideal performance?
continual analysis of performance
which exercise would most help force devleopment?
power clean (work on explosive strength)
two coaches time differently in test; what is this called?
lack of inter-rater reliability (ratings by different judges)
seated lean back to stretch deltoids/pecs where should hands be?
away from body
phase of sprinting where upright posture, torso stacked over hips?
max velocity
which groups have increase risk of iron deficiency?
female aerobic endurance athletes
which could be legal w/o legal consequences
best test for max speed?
40 yd sprint
old person has decreased ROM, what is this called?
elbows be in relation during jerk phase
indirectly be underneath or slightly in front of shoulders
push up in which position
hamstring curl, which is synergist?
which electrical occurrence can you NOT see on EKG?
repolarization of atria