비디오 5B Ch 8 Flashcards
Years of experience
연륜 있는 작가
a veteran[experienced] writer
나무의 연륜을 세다
count the rings of a tree
연륜 분석
annual ring analysis
Matchmaking, matchmaker
중매(하는 사람)
중매 결혼: arranged marriage
중매를 서다/하다
arrange a marriage; act[serve] as go-between
sad, mournful, pathetic
그녀는 애절하게 울었다: She cried sadly.
애절한 이야기: a sad[pathetic] story
1) struggle (비유적)
2) writhe; wriggle
괴로워서 몸부림치다 writhe in (a desperate) agony
재기의 몸부림을 치다
struggle to regain one’s feet
(주머니·가방 등을) rummage, grope (for/around), fish (for/around); (책·신문 등을) browse (through)
잡지책을 뒤적이다: browse through a magazine
책을 뒤적이다: leaf through a book
잔돈을 꺼내려고 주머니를 뒤적였다
I groped around inside my pocket for some change.
그녀는 핸드백을 뒤적여 지갑을 꺼냈다
She fished around in her purse and pulled out her wallet.
대충; approximately, roughly
대강의 줄거리는 다음과 같다
A rough summary is as follows.
콕콕 (의태어)
어떤 것으로 자꾸 찌르거나 찍는 모양
콕콕 쑤시다: shooting pain
콕콕 찌르듯이/찌르는 듯한
1) (손을 바닥·벽 등에 대다)
탁자를 짚다
place one’s hand on the table
2) (지목하다, 지적하다) point (to/out), indicate; (다루다) address, deal with
그 문제를 좀 더 심도 있게 짚어 보겠습니다
Let me address it in depth.
3) (짐작하다) guess, make a random guess
이번에는 제대로 짚은 것 같다
I think I guessed right this time.
4) 맥을 짚다: take/feel one’s pulse
as…as possible, as…as one can[may]
가급적이면: if possible; if circumstances allow
가급적 빨리: as soon as possible; at the earliest possibility
가급적 늦지 않도록 해라: Don’t be late if you can.
가급적 주의하다: take the greatest possible care, be as careful as possible, act with utmost caution
우아하다) elegant; (세련되다) refined, sophisticated; (지적이다) highbrow
취미가 고상하시네요: You have elegant taste.
그녀는 말투가 매우 고상하다
She has a very elegant way of speaking.
You have good taste in clothes: 옷 취향이 고상하다.
고상한 잡지: a highbrow magazine
Personality, character
이중인격: split personality, dual personality
다중인격: multiple personality
팔딱팔딱 뛰다
(뛰는 모양) hopping, leaping, jumping,
개구리가 팔딱 뛴다
A frog jumps.
사근사근하다 ↔️ 무뚝뚝하다
Amiable, pleasant
Kind, friendly, nice
Straightforward, outspoken
A man
1) (밝다) (dimly) bright, light
골목에는 가로등이 훤히 켜져 있다
The alley is brightly lit with a streetlamp.
2) (시원하게 탁 트이다)
이마가 훤하다
have a broad forehead
3) (잘생기다) handsome, good-looking
인물이 훤하다
be good-looking
demonstrate, display, show, (formal) exhibit
재능을 발휘하다
demonstrate[display; show; exhibit] one’s ability
Clear, apparent, obvious
A bright smile
그녀는 기뻐서 싱글벙글 웃었다
She smiled delightedly.
그래서 그렇게 싱글벙글이었구나
So, that’s why you were grinning from ear to ear.
결혼을 앞두고 그는 요즘 싱글벙글이다
With his wedding coming up soon, he is all smiles these days.
relaxed, carefree, easygoing, (informal) laid-back
pleased (with), satisfied (with), content (with)
흡족한 미소를 짓다: smile contentedly
흡족한 결과를 얻다: get a satisfying result
그는 흡족한 표정으로 서 있었다
He was standing with a look of satisfaction.
(원한·응어리 등이) 마음속에 잊히지 않는 응얼리가 되어 남아 있다
그 일로 내 마음에 응어리가 맺혔다
It left me with a lot of hard feelings.
resentment, bitterness, ill feeling, hard feelings
나는 그 일로 가슴에 응어리가 맺혔다
It left me with a lot of hard feelings.
가슴에 맺힌 응어리가 풀렸다
The resentment[bitterness] I had has been resolved.
그들 사이에는 아직 응어리가 남아 있다
They still harbor ill feelings toward each other.
The future
Some other day, in the future, one of these days, later on
usually, normally, generally, commonly
일상적으로, 또는 일상적인 경우에는.