일기/말하기 5A Ch3 풍습 Flashcards
(New) mother
Post-natal care centre
산후 조리원
1) 弔問 condolence call
조문을 가다 (pay one’s respects)
조문 편지를 보내다
2) 弔文 eulogy
조문을 읽다
Charnel house
-에 모시다 (place the ashes in the charnel house)
선산에 모시다 (bury in the family gravesite)
*charnel house is 1) a building or vault in which corpses/bones are piled. 2) a place associated with violent death.
떠들썩한 분위기
Noisy, boisterous
폐를 끼치다
1) cause inconvenience or bother
2) to impose
*(인사말로 만 쓰임)
1) (미안한 인사말 - 많이 도와줬을 때):
초면에 폐 많이 끼쳤습니다. 감사합니다.
2) (감사의 인사말)
- as a houseguest leaving - sorry to have imposed on you. ** 가족 사이에 안 씀!!!!!)
폐를 많이 끼쳤습니다. 감사합니다.
장의사는 시신을 씻기고 수의를 입혔다.
The mortician bathed and shrouded the body.
Wedding invitation
New marriage
A toast
신혼부부를 위해 축배를 들다
Drink a toast to the newlyweds.
함 (결혼식 전)
A box of wedding gifts sent by the bridegroom to his bride before the wedding. Contains money, jewellery, silk, etc. and the groom’s birth date on a slip of paper.
폐백 (결혼식 날)
큰 절
The newlyweds pay respect to the groom’s family by bowing deeply. Then they receive 절값 (money).
폐백을 드리다/받다
폐백 음식
이바지 음식 (신혼여행 후)
The bride’s family prepares and sends food to the groom’s family.
갈비, 전, 과일, 떡, 생선, 술안주, 등
The wife’s parents’ home
Husband’s parents’ home
친정 ↔️ 시댁