51. Atelectasis and emphysema of the lung Flashcards
– Less air
– Failure of the alveoli to open or to remain open
– More air
– air in the tissues
Forms of atelectasis
congenital atelectasis
– Aspiration of foetal fluids
– Obturation of bronchi
– Interstitial pneumonia
acquired atelectasis
obturation due to exudate, bronchiolith, parasites, foreign bodies
compression due to hydrothorax, pneumothorax, ascites, meteorism, tumour, granuloma
extension of atelectasis
diffuse or circumscribed
pathology of atelectasis
- Smaller, shrunken
- Dark red, greyish red
- Firmer than normally (Like foetal lung)
- No crepitating when cut
Cut surface:
– dark red, homogenous, medium fluid
emphysema in general
forced inspiration or incomplete expiration –> excess residual air
types of emphysema
acute or chronic
circumscribed or diffuse
acute emphysema
pneumonia, atelectasis, bronchitis
chronic emphysema
narrowed lumen of the bronchi
repeated physical overload
fibrosis in the lung
causes of emphysema
- “worked to death” animals
- long lasting agony
- shock
- drowning
- allergic bronchus spasm
- forced coughing
alveolar emphysema definition
partial obturation of the bronchus
cause of alveolar emphysema
near atelectatic regions
in acute bronchitis
acute alveolar emphysema
– the wall of the alveoli and alveducts extends
and thins, finally disrupts
– the capillaries extend, their lumen tightens
chronic Alveolar emphysema
– regressive changes (fibrosis) in the extended wall of the alveoli (disappearance of elastic elements)
– fatty degeneration, atrophy, necrosis in the alveolar cells
– degeneration of capillary endothel
– the fusing alveoli form large caves
pathology of emphysema
– enlarged (doesn’t collapse)
– light /pale/ red
– pillow like feeling
– stronger crepitating when cut
– many air bubbles in the decreased amount of fluid on the cut surface
– the enlarged alveoli appear from the pleura and on the cut surface as pin head sized air filled caves
chronic form of emphysema pathology
hazelnut- walnut shaped caves
Acute interstitial emphysema
air from disrupted alveoli gets to
- interstitium of the lungs , septae, subpleural
–peribronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes
through the lymph vessels
– to the mediastinum
– the entrance of the thoracic cavity
– subcutaneous connective tissue
chronic emphysema
in case of microbronchitis
recurrent/ repeated physical stress
infiltration of parenchyma of lungs by ct
equine asthma syndrome
Systemic effect of acute emphysema
circulatory disorder
right sided heart failure
acute heart failure
Systemic effect of chronic emphysema
hypertrophy on right side