2. Enanthemas; different basic forms of stomatitis. Bovine papular stomatitis Flashcards
local alteration on the mucous membrane (eruption on mucosal surface)
classification of enanthema
Erythema, Papula, Vesicle, Pustule, Erosion, Ulcer, Necrosis
result of enanthema
anorexia due to painful mastication, common with hypersalivation
Roseola, erythema result in
– local hyperemia, slight inflammation, intense red color of mm, extended blood vessels
Papula results in
proliferation of cells (str. germinativum), not moveable
o Bovine Papular Stomatitis (Pox, Parapox)
Aphta results in
pseudomembrane formation
causes of vessicles
FMD (Picorna, Aptho) – zoonosis.
Vesicular stomatitis (Rhabdo, Vesiculo) – zoonosis.
Swine vesicular disease (SVD) (Picorna, Entero).
Vesicular exanthema swine (Calici, Vesi)
consequences of vessicles
Ballooning (hydropic degeneration): water accumulation around nuclei, apoptosis, spongiosis =
intercellular edema, reticulating degeneration. Cellular necrosis.
Causes of erosion
mechanical trauma, epithelial degeneration, necrosis, vesicle rupture (serous or purulent),
papula, aphta
causes of ulceration
Stachybotriotoxicosis, BVD
Inflammatory process of mm of the oral cavity
Bacterial stomatitis
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Actinobacillus lignieresi
Actinomyces bovis
Viral stomatitis
FMD (Picorna, Aptho),
Vesicular stomatitis (Rhabdo, Vesiculo), Papular stomatitis (Pox, Parapox),
Swine vesicular disease, SVD (Picorna, Entero),
Vesicular exanthema of swine (Calici, Vesi).
causative agent of bovine papular stomatitis
Poxviridae →Parapoxvirus
Milder symptoms of bovine papular stomatitis
papule formation/raised papules (on hard palate, lips, muzzle + tongue), salivation, fever
Histopath of bovine papular stomatitis
o Ballooning degeneration in the lower layer of the squamous epithelium.
o Hyperaemia, oedema, cellular infiltration
o Proliferation of the epithelial cell, cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.
o Cytoplasmic inclustion bodies can be observed
o Superficial necrosis, desquamation, erosion
o Healing
lesions of bovine papular stomatitis
cellular infiltration
papules on nares, muzzle, gingiva, palate & tongue
superficial necrosis, desquamation, erosion.
consequence of bovine papular stomatitis-
might lead to spontaneous healing
Differential diagnosis of bovine papular stomatitis
FMD: vesicular + erosive lesions, high fever, high morbidity + mortality among young stock.
o VS (Vesicular Stomatitis): Macules, vesicles, erosions appear in the mm of the mouth, skin of teats,
o BVD: Shallow erosions on the entrance of the nostrils, mouth, pharynx, larynx,esophagus, rumen,
omasum, abomasum, caecum and less frequently in Peyer’s patches in the small intestine
o Rinderpest