4.5 The role of the chaplain in PC Flashcards
Evidence exists that addressing the spiritual and religious needs of patients in PC has benefits. List three such benefits
when spiritual needs met in hospital, patients were less likely to die in ICU and more likely to die in hospice
patients who had a discussion re religious/spiritual concerns were more likely to rate their care higher
evidence for a link between spiritual struggle and poor health outcomes -> addressing spiritual struggle may improve health outcomes
Outline three premises upon which the delivery of spiritual care in PC is provided
- All PATIENTS wil have spiritual care integrated into their care through spiritual screening, spiritual history, spiritual assessment if indicated and the inclusion of spiritual needs in their care plan
- all STAFF will be trained in and participate in spiritual care at some level appropriate to their discipline
- a professional CHAPLAIN with specific training in delivering multifaith as well as non faith specific spiritual care will be the spiritual care lead on the PC team
At the 2009 national consensus conference, agreement was reached on the definition of spirituality. Spirituality refers to what aspects of humanity
Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express MEANING and PURPOSE and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to nature, and to the significant sacred.
Historically spiritual care referrals were made for those who requested to see chaplains. A more modern approach would recommend making referrals to spiritual care for which types of patients. How is this determined?
Patients in spiritual distress
Screen via following questions
- is religion/spirituality important as you cope with illness?
- how much strength/comfort do you get from your religion/spirituality right now?
- Has their ever been a time where religion/spirituality was important to you?
A pt is being screened for spiritual distress using a validated tool. they indicate that religion/spirituality is not important as they cope with illness. What follow up question would you ask? What answer would generate a referral to spiritual care?
Has their ever been a time when religion/spirituality was important to you?
yes -> referral to spiritual care
How much strength/comfort do you get from spirituality/religion right now?
much less than i need or none at all -> referral to spiritual care
As the spiritual care specialist on the PC team, list four roles you might expect the chaplain to take on in the system of spiritual care in the hospital and/or team
facilitating goals of care discussions/family meetings
facilitating PC meetings
facilitating communication when bad news is being delivered
Being present with family members after a death
A spiritual history should be completed by all PC professionals involved in the care of a patient. List a validated tool which can be used to take a spiritual history
F (faith) - Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious? or do you have spiritual beliefs that help you cope with stress?
I (importance) - What importance does your faith or belief have in our life? Have your beliefs influenced how you take care of yourself in this illness?
C (community) - Are you part of a spiritual/religious community? Is this of support to you and how? Is there a group of people you really love or who are important to you?
A (address) - How would you like me, your health care provider, to address these issues in your health care?
The National comprehensive cancer centre’s distress management guidelines list several spiritual diagnoses. Chaplains can work with patients on these diagnoses. List 5 of these
guilt hopelessness grief concerns about death and afterlife conflicted or challenged belief system loss of faith/doubts concerns about relationship to deity conflict between religious beliefs and recommended tx conflict with/loss of religious community
A patient is identified with having spiritual distress on screening and is referred to a chaplain. The chaplain performs a spiritual assessment. The chaplain utilizes an outcome oriented chaplaincy assessment. What three elements will the chaplain assess?
There is no accepted taxonomy of chaplaincy interventions. However chaplains can play a significant role in patient care.
List 3 approaches a chaplain may take to comfort a patient
reflective listening emotional support counselling help patients and families come to their own understandings and conclusions religious intervention if desired use of readings or music referral pastoral services