15.2 (15.2) Advanced diseases of the lung Flashcards
List SIX classes of drugs commonly used for COPD disease management (and name 1 example)
◆ short acting beta agonist (SABA, ex: salbutamol)
◆ short acting muscarinic/anticholinergic antagonist (SAMA, ex: ipratropium)
◆ long acting beta agonist (LABA, ex: salmeterol)
◆ long acting muscarinic/anticholinergic antagonist
(LAMA, ex: tiotropium)
◆ inhaled corticosteroid (ex: budesonide)/systemic steroid (ex: prednisone)
◆ phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitors (ex: roflumilast)
◆ prophylactic antibiotics (ex: azithromycin)
◆ mucolytics (ex: NAC)
◆ theophyllines (not in 6th edition)
What are the indications for long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) in COPD?
◆ stable + non-smoking + severe resting hypoxaemia (PaO2 <55 mmHg or 7.3 kPa)
◆ less severe hypoxaemia (PaO2 55–60 mmHg or 7.3–8 kPa) + coexisting:
- pulmonary hypertension
- polycythaemia (haematocrit >55%)
How does LTOT need to be used to confer a benefit?
What is the predominant benefit of using LTOT?
Worn at least 15 hrs/day
Reduce mortality in COPD patients with severe respiratory failure (Cranston et al., 2005)
How does COPD impact depression risk?
◆ independent risk factor for dev of depression
What non-pharm interventions are recommended by the Canadian Thoracic Society for management of dyspnea in COPD?
From CTS 2019 Pharm COPD update:
◆ self-management education
◆ smoking cessation
◆ exercise/active lifestyle
◆ vaccinations
◆ pulmonary rehab
◆ lung transplantation
- 6th Ed has lung transplant as “non pharm for ILD”
From 6th Ed:
◆ support groups
◆ oxygen therapy
◆ non-invasive ventilation
◆ sx procedures
- lung vol reduction surgery
- bronchoscopic endobroncial valve/lung coil
◆ neuromuscular electrical stimulation
◆ chest wall vibration
◆ pursed lip breathing
◆ energy conservation
◆ handheld fan
◆ walking aid
From CTS 2011 Manage Dyspnea COPD guideline, which 5th Ed references
(1) Breathlessness management - pursed lip breathing, tripoding, energy conservation
(2) Lifestyle - diet, exercise, no smoking, vaccination
(3) Equipment - fan, O2, noninvasive ventilation, walking aids
(4) Education, rehab, support group
List FOUR examples of patient self management education for COPD
◆ smoking cessation
◆ diet
◆ physical activity
◆ breathlessness management
◆ respiratory medications
◆ palliative strategies for advanced disease
◆ decision making during exacerbations
◆ managing psychosocial issues
List THREE outcomes of pulmonary rehab for COPD.
◆ dec symptoms*
◆ dec exacerbations
◆ dec anxiety and depression
◆ inc health-related quality of life*
◆ inc muscle function*
◆ inc exercise capacity
(Bolton et al., 2013; Moore et al., 2016; Alison et al., 2017)
When to discuss GOC/ACP with patients with chronic respiratory disease?
◆ FEV1<30%, O2 dependence
◆ one or more AECOPD hospital admissions in past year
◆ weight loss/cachexia
◆ decreased functional status
◆ increasing dependence on others
◆ age greater than 70
◆ lack of additional therapeutic options
Note: 6th Ed recommends separating ACP from prognosis or disease specific events
Provide THREE pieces of advice (non pharm and pharm) for a COPD patient to incorporate in their breathlessness management plan.
- Move into a comfortable position either:
◆ Sitting upright and leaning forwards with your elbows resting on a table (TRIPOD)
◆ Or stand and lean forward over a chair or table
◆ Try to relax your head, neck, and shoulders - Use a fan to blow air across your face or open windows
- Take slow deep breaths in through your nose for 3 seconds and out through your mouth with pursed lips for 5 seconds. Breathe in and out very slowly and evenly. Try to focus on breathing out and let the breath in follow naturally
- Use your reliever inhaler medication
- If you use home oxygen, apply this as directed by your doctor
- Try to relax and remain calm, as this will help you to breathe better. It may help to listen to music, look at pictures, or recite a poem. Ask a friend or carer to sit with you and remember you can recover from breathlessness
6th ed. Box 15.2.2
List four strategies for managing dyspnea during a dyspnea crisis (5TH ED)
◆ hand held fan and do pursed lip breathing
- recovery position
◆ Adjust O2 flow
◆ 2 puffs from SABA with aerochamber or nebulizer
◆ Take anti-anxiety medication
◆ If above ineffective fentanyl 12.5 mcg SL and repeat q10mins x 1
- if not settling call 911
Box 15.2.2 5th Ed.
List two criteria of advanced COPD according CTS
From CTS 2019 Pharm COPD update:
◆ Mod & Severe COPD:
- COPD Assessment Test (CAT) greater than or = 10
- modified MRC breatlesssness scale (mMRC) greater than or = 2
Spirometry grades from COPD Foundation guide:
◆ FEV1<30%
◆ FEV1/FVC<70%
Note: old card/ 5th edition answer
Name TWO adverse effects of Phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitors.
◆ gastrointestinal effects
◆ Insomnia
◆ depressed mood
- used cautiously in patients with cachexia or depression
Name FOUR classification groups for interstitial lung disease by etiology
◆ Known associations
- connective tissue, occupational exposure, drug tox, genetics
◆ Granulomatous
- sarcoid, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, infection
◆ Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (includes idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
◆ Misc (histiocytosis X)
Fig 15.2.1
Which is the archetypal chronic progressive fibrotic ILD? What’s their prognosis?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (average survival from diagnosis 2-4 years)
Name FIVE classification groups for interstitial lung disease by disease behaviour*
◆ Reversible & self limiting
◆ Reversible w/ risk of progression
◆ Stable w/ residual disease
◆ Progressive, irreversible dz w/ potential for stabilization
◆ Progressive, irreversible dz despite therapy
Name THREE supportive treatments for idiopathic pulm fibrosis.
◆ oxygen
◆ pulm rehab
◆ lung transplantation
When to consider lung transplant in patients with IPF?
At time of diagnosis regardless of severity (median survival post-transplant is 4.5 years)
How to treat IPF exacerbation?
- Supportive care
- O2
- Broad sprectrum abx
- High dose steroids may be considered
Role of opioids in managing breathlessness in COPD/IPF.
◆ A low dose should be initiated with up-titration weekly until efficacy is achieved
- e.g. LA morphine 5 mg daily or IR morphine 2.5 mg every 6 hours as required
- to a maximum of MEDD 30 mg/day.
Name 3 non pharm treatments for cough in COPD/IPF
◆ Physiotherapy techniques
◆ Positive expiratory pressure devices are helpful for clearing secretions
◆ Cough suppression techniques:
- patient education
- laryngeal hygiene and hydration
- avoiding cough triggers
- cough control technique
- breathing exercises
- psycho-educational counselling
Name THREE pharm treatments for cough in COPD/IPF (thick sputum)
◆ mucolytics
◆ nebulized sodium chloride (0.9%) solution
◆ short-term use of:
- nebulized lidocaine
- systemic codeine, methadone, morphine
- pregabalin
Name ONE antifibrotic therapy for IPF and how it impacts disease.
◆ antifibrotic drugs:
- pirfenidone
- nintedanib
◆ significantly reduce disease progression over 12 months in mild to moderate IPF
◆ nintedanib also increases the time to first acute exacerbation
◆ new drugs do not reverse pulmonary fibrosis or improve exercise tolerance, symptoms, or quality of life