3.3 (15.7) Palliative medicine in the ICU Flashcards
List four reasons that PC is important in the ICU
suffer pain and discomfort
highly dependent
patients are fragile
family often required to be involved in the decision process
high mortality (50%)
immediate prognosis uncertain
required to undergo unpleasant, invasive procedures
List three factors that make delivery of PC difficult in ICU
- profession culture - culture directed towards saving lives
- uncertainty of decision making
- time course - acute (hours to days)
- environment - loud, shared spaces, pts on multiple monitors/devices
- patient communication - usually unable/limited
- scarce and expensive resource - pressure to move transfer pt
FS: patient/family, doctor, culture, illness, environment
What are four of the seven standards that comprise PC competencies in ICU?
- Patient care and maintain comfort, dignity and personhood
- Interdisciplinary support of families during critical illness and bereavement
- emotional and organizational support for ICU clinicians
- Timely, clear compassionate communication
- clinical decision making processes led by pt goals, values, preferences
- identification of and respect for patients advanced medical directors and decision makers
- development of contingency plans for withdrawal of supportive interventions
List two factors that contribute to dissatisfaction with communication to families in ICU
inadequate dedicated time
inconsistent info
provision of info by multiple different providers
List 3 practices that improve communication in the ICU
- early and frequent interaction with key care personal
- initial meeting to inform pts status, measures taken to stabilize condition and level of risk and liklihood recovery
- subsequent meetings when change in status
- meeting multidisciplinary (nurse and SW, MD)
- staff corrobate info before meeting to avoid presenting conflicting info
FS: early, regular, consistent, multidisciplinary
Should choice to donate organ be offered to someone dying in ICU? Why?
yes based on idea this could be consistent with patient’s prior wishes/values
List four common symptoms in ICU. List two issues that make symptom assessment difficult in ICU
issues that make assessment difficult - sedation, delirium, paralysis
List four signs a patient in ICU is having pain
facial tension - grimacing, frowning, wincing
physical movement, immobility, increased muscle tone
tearing and diaphoresis
FS: similar to FLACC assessment in non verbal kids
What is a validated tool for assessing if a ventilated patient is having pain
behavioural pain score
Name two non-benzo sedatives used in ICU. What are two benefits of using non-benzodiazepine agents to manage agitation
propofol and dexmeditomidine associated with:
- improved patient outcomes including shortened duration of mechanical ventilation and admission to ICU
-lower incidence of delirium and long term cognitive dysfunction
List four behavioural indicators of dyspnea in ICU
tachypnea tachycardia fearful facial expression accessory muscle use paradoxical breathing (diaphragmatic) nasal flaring
List two consequences of delirium in ICU. What is the best method to determine if delirium is present in ICU
increased ventilator dependency
increased ICU LOS
higher short and long term mortality
Confusion assessment method - ICU assessment tool (CAM-ICU)
List 3 non-pharmacological strategies for managing delirium in ICU
removing restraints
promoting sleep
reducing noise and lights
providing calming family or staff member
What should be done with neuromuscular blocking agents when there is impending plan to stop mechanical ventilation? Why?
they should be discontinued as they may mask distress and confound physical examination of stress
-if cannot wait for reversal of neuromuscular agent, do deep sedation before ventilation withdrawal
List 3 models for providing PC in ICU. Describe each
(1) consultative model - dedicated teams of pc clinicians called in by ICU team for patients they feel would benefit from PC
(2) integrative model - integration of PC principles and education into daily care of all ICU patients
(3) mixed model - both
When should ET tube be left in during discontinuation of mechanical ventilation?
complex decision - if it is anticipated that there may be secretions and airway collapse it is reasonable to leave in
List three benefits of PC provision in ICU
significant reduction in ICU stay
increased DNR orders
increased transition to goals focussed on comfort
reduction of non beneficial resource utilization
List 5 steps to improving PC in an established ICU
convene an interdisciplinary planning/implementation group
conduct needs assessment
define problem
evaluate resources for EOL care for ICU patients
develop an action plan
Plan, do, study, act