10.1 (11.1) Skin problems in palliative care Flashcards
What are three goals of wound management in PC
◆ management of underlying CAUSE of the wound
◆ management of the wound and peri-wound SKIN (TIME)
◆ management of wound-related ISSUES (DOPPI: discharge, odour, Pruritus, pain, infection)
Name 3 types of wounds with potential for complete healing
Name 3 that have not shown healing outcomes
1. Pressure ulcers grade I/II
2. Diabetic and venous ulcers
3. Skin tears
Likely to be non-healing:
1. Deep pressure ulcers
2. Arterial wounds
3. Malignant wounds
Name 3 non-medical consequences for patients living with wounds
- Wound exudate/odour leads to loss of self-confidence
- Social isolation
List four types of wounds that people in palliative care might experience.
◆ pressure ulcers* ◆ moisture lesions ◆ skin tears* ◆ dry irritated skin* ◆ malignant fungating wounds* ◆ fistulae* ◆ blistering skin conditions, for example, epidermolysis bullosa, bullous pemphigoid.
List four common symptoms/issues associated with wounds that need to be managed
management of odour, exudate, bleeding, pain, and the maintenance of an intact dressing system
FA: doppi
Discharge - including bleeding
List three wound assessment scales*
- Toronto Symptom Assessment System for Wounds
- the Schulz Malignant Fungating Wound Assessment Tool
- the Wound Symptoms Self-Assessment Chart (WOSSAC)
- the TELER System
- Hopkins Wound Assessment Tool
Wound assessment tools assess what core five symptoms
odour, pain, bleeding, exudate, itching
List four general factors that contribute to skin weakness in advanced illness
- Performance status
- ageing (sarcopenia)
- Chronic disease and multiple co-morbidities
- iatrogenic (i.e. systemic glucocorticoid use)
List four basic actions of good skin care
Good skin care aims to maintain and replenish the skin by:
1. cleansing (soap/water can be drying)
2. moisturizing (lotion»ointment)
3. protecting (barrier products)
4. Hydrating
List four general principles of management of pressure ulcers
Treat cause:
◆ pressure relief and management of any friction or shear forces
◆ continence and fistula management
Treat symptoms:
◆ good skin care
Treat complications:
◆ wound complication management (DOPPI)
List three practical tools for preventing skin damage from urine and stool
disposable pads
close fitting underwear, self seal nappies
urinary catheter
anal or stoma bag
fecal management systems (tube inserted into rectum and drains into bag)
List 4 pathomechanisms of fungating malignant wounds
A combination of:
1. Tumour growth
2. Anaerobic bacteria growth due to hypoxia -> infection
2. Loss of local blood supply
3. Loss of tissue viability
What is the rationale for WBP (wound bed preparation)
List the 4 components of WBP via the TIME acronym
If healing is the goal, wound bed needs to be free of bacteria and harmful enzymes. If palliation is the goal, same approach reduces odour, exudate, damage to peri-would skin. (FS: manage DOPPI)
1. Tissue management
2. Infection and inflammation management
3. Moisture balance
4. Edge of wound (how this advances inward to cover broken area)
List four types of wound debridement (and example) that can be used to remove necrotic tissue from a wound
Autolytic debridement: hydrogel dressings
Biological debridement: larval therapy
Chemical debridement: iodine, medical grade honey
Surgical and sharp (doctor) debridement: scalpel, scissors, forceps by trained tissue viability nurse or surgeon
Enzymatic debridement: collagenase agents
Mechanical debridement: ultrasound and water irrigation devices
List three circumstances when scab formation is preferred to wound healing (scab formation is encouraged with astringents such as potassium permanganate)
head and neck wound
life expectant short
multiple wounds over body
List 4 options for management of wound exudate
- Electrochemotherapy
- Skin barriers*
- Hydrocolloids*
- 2 layer permeable vented dressings
- Drainage bags*
- Negative pressure therapy*
List four interventions to treat underlying causes of malignant fungating wounds
Chemo or immunotherapy
photodynamic therapy
List three contributors to wound exudate
Dead tissue - exudate production is also attributed to bacterial enzymes (proteases) and their role in the autolytic processes of tissue breakdown and liquefaction
local oedema
List two contributors to wound odor
dead tissue
Beside use of medications, list 2 methods for managing cutaneous pruritic irritation from wounds
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Select personal clothing/bed linen that wicks away heat and moisture
List four methods of managing wound odor
Tx odor:
- topical: metronidazole, charcoal, aloe vera, and honey
- silver dressing
Tx source:
- debride dead tissue
- systemic abx (less desirable due to abx resistance, side effects, or ineffective if lack of blood supply to wound)
Managing minor bleeding from a fungating wound:
- list 3 dressing management
- list 3 procedures
- list 3 medications
Dressing management ◆ dressing application (decrease frequency) and removal techniques (wet dressing with NS before removal) ◆ maintenance of humidity at the wound/dressing interface ◆ cleaning techniques (gentle wound cleaning) Procedures: - cautery (Gen surg) - radiotherapy (rad) - electrochemotherapy - Surgical haemostatic sponges Medications: - apply adrenaline 1:1000 - Sucralfate suspension - Oral and topical TXA - Glue embolization
List three roles of dressings in the management of wound infection
◆ to contain the infection and prevent contamination to and from the wound
◆ to keep anti-microbial agents in contact with the wound
◆ to contain exudate and odour
List three types of tissue you might encounter in a wound
Necrotic tissue - debride
Granulation tissue - protect and promote
Epithelializing tissue - protect