4.4.3. Controllng MNCs Flashcards
Factors to consider
- Political influence
- Legal control
- Pressure groups
- Social media
Political influence
-Political institutions can enforce laws and regulations businesses must adhere to.
-MNCs in developed countries can exert pressure on national al governments via lobbying or bribing.
Legal control
-Governments can enforce legislations snd regulations to control operation of MMCs.
-Governments want to attract MNCs to help boosts economy by creating legal control in areas relating to taxes and employments.
Pressure groups
- Organisations that operate to influence company and public policy in interest of particular cause.
-Can operate on national or international scale.
-Can take action by: naming and shaming, direct action, lobbying by taking issues directly to government.
Social media
-MNCs can use social media to spread awareness and promote businesses on global scale.
-But also enable stakeholders to freely share info about unethical behaviour of MNCs.
-Forces MNCs to address issues raised in social media due to high level of public exposure and info can easily be misled.
- when assessing best way to control MNCs must consider +ves and -ves of each methods and consider most effective method in context to extract: how large it is, how established it is, its reputation etc.