1.4.5. Leadership Flashcards
Management vs leadership
Manager is person who overseas putting plans into action getting details right. Recruit staff, take control of developing large project team
Leader has to identify key issues, set objective, and decided what to be done. Rethink design/ responsibility.
Autocratic leadership
Taylor’s view of staff-Payment by results(piece-rate), recruitment and training based on skills
-Issue instructions and expect these to be obeyed. Know exactly what they want done and pay little attention to what workers say.
-Communication is one way, top down with manager not expecting or responding to feedback
-See themselves as parent-child relationship. Care about the interests of staff/family and listen to their views. But ultimately the leader makes the decisions with best interests of staff
Mayos work on human relations and Maslows lower/middle order needs being met. Consultation with staff, salary plus fringe benefits, emphasis on training and appraisal for personal development
- Expect staff to be involved in decision making. Delegate authority to subordinates, believing this will be the best way to get job done. Agree clear objectives with staff then let them get on with the job to achieve objective.
Belief in maslows higher order needs and Herzbergs motivators. Delegation of authority, salary (plus employee shareholdings), recruitment and training based on attitudes and teamwork.
-Leave staff alone to get on with things, generally without even providing clear sense of direction. Manager often lazy or too busy to provide structure and focus. However for new business needing ideas and creativity, leaving talented staff alone may provide innovation.