4.1.3. Factors Contributing To Increased Globalisation Flashcards
-Reduction of international trade barriers/ liberalisation
-Political change
-Reduces cost of transport and communication
-Increased significance of global transnational companies
-Increased investment flows (FDI)
-Migration with and between economies
-Growth of global labour force
-Structural change
Reduction of international trade barriers/trade liberalisation
Removal of trade barriers of
-Quotas: physical limits on quantity of a type of good that cat can be imported in a year
-Tariffs: taxes imposed on imports that raise price of imported products
-Regulations: put in place to b no ale it harder for imports to enter a county
-Increases competition as those will lose that protection from barriers
Political change
-helps business to identify as giving rise to opportunities or threats
Reduced costs of transport and communication
Extra costs can prevent trade by lowering profit margins but significant reductions in costs due to:
-Oil prices remained stable due to fears that supply may run low, driving costs up
-Tech developments led to development of more efficient engines reducing fuel consumption
-Tech enables building of bigger transfers allowing container econ of scaje
Increased significance of transnational corporations
When they enter new markets, local businesses face powerful new competition that will benefit from econ of scale
Increased investment
Comm. and trade liberalisation have increased trans boarder capital flows.
Interconnections have grown
Banks investing elsewhere in the world can lead to financial crisis like 2008
Most tend to migrate as they are
-Proactive and determined to work and live in new country
-Tend to be well educated
Can help stimulate economic growth