4.1.2. International Trade+Business Growth Flashcards
-Products and services bought by people and businesses in one country from another country
- Goods and services sold by domestic businesses to people or businesses in other countries
-Choosing to produce only one product or products for single market
-Porters focused differentiation or focused cost j look leadership is an example.
Link between specialisation and competitive advantage
Increased efficiency=lower unit costs
-Lower selling price by same amount unit costs have been preserved profit margin on each unit but lower prices boosts competitiveness+ boosts sales
-Can choose to not adjust its prices and settle for higher profit margins
Investment by foreign firms. Business purchases non current assets in another country. Results in more than 10% share of ownership of domestic firms
Inward FDI
Foreign business invests in local economy (buying property or building factories) so money flows into economy
Outward FDI
Domestic business expands its operations to a foreign country (building production facilities or buying retail outlets, takeovers of foreign businesses)
Benefits of actual FDI
-Avoiding problems involved in exporting
-Avoid transporting costs
-Avoiding trade barriers
-Access to natural resources
-Lower operating costs