44 - Bowl Elimination Flashcards
secretes HCL, has a mucus protective layer, prodices gastrin and ghrelin (hormones that impact digestion/growth)
Small Intestine
duodenum (add in enzymes to break down food)
jejunum (most of the carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed)
ilium (water, vitamins, fats are absorbed)
a symptom, can cause abdominal pain/distention. They dry up after sitting in colon too long
when constipation has gone on too long. Feces just builds up. Can lead to overflow incontinence (oozing around the mass)
increase in number of stools per day, liquid and unformed. At risk for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
inability to control the passage of feces. Can be constipated then sudden incontinence
production/passing of gas. Avg is 50-500mL of gas per day
management is meticulous cleaning after bowl movments
when the veins or blood vessels in and around your anus and lower rectum become swollen and irritated. This happens when there is extra pressure on these veins
Cathartics and laxatives
cathartic is a substance that accelerates defecation.
– stimulate formed/unformed stool
Laxitives: Bulk forming, emollient or wetting, saline, stimulant carthartics, lubricants
Magnesim Dukcikax are common
Electrolyte balance and antidiarrheal agents
electrolyte elimination/ medications to stop diahreea. Diarehha can cause significant elctolyte imbalnce
Rectal suppositories
solid bullet shaped preparations that melt in your hand, designed for easy rectal insertion that stimulate defecation
inserting liquid or gas into the rectum made to expel feces. Promote defecation by stimulating peristalsis
Types: cleansing, tap water, normal saline, hypertonic solutions, soapsuds, oil-retention, other types
Digital disimpaction
is the use of fingers to aid in the removal of stool from the rectum.
- monitor vitals for an hour after
- NB due to the stimulation of the vagas nerve
temporary or permanent artificial opening in the abdominal wall
surgical opening in the ileum
surgical opening in the colon
Loop colostomy
done in emergency and are temporary
• a stoma in which the entire loop of colon is exteriorized and both the proximal limb and the distal limb open into the common stoma opening and are not transected.
This type of colostomy is usually used in emergencies and is a temporary and large stoma. A loop of the bowel is pulled out onto the abdomen and held in place with an external device. The bowel is then sutured to the abdomen and two openings are created in the one stoma: one for stool and the other for mucus.
End colostomy
the end is sewn up and left in the abdominal cavity
Double-barrel colostomy
the bowl is surgically severed and the 2 ends are brought out into the abdomen
The double-barrelled l transverse colostomy involves the creation of two separate stomas on the abdominal wall, by dividing the bowel completely. The proximal (nearest) stoma is the functional end which is still connected to the gastrointestinal tract and will therefore drain stool.
The bowel is severed and both ends are brought out onto the abdomen. Only the proximal stoma is functioning. Most often, double-barrel colostomy is a temporary colostomy with two openings into the colon (distal and proximal). The elimination occurs through the proximal stoma.
Knock continent ileostomy
small intestine is used to create a pouch
NG Tube: decompression
removal of secretions and gaseous substances from the GI tract to prevent/relieve abdominal distention
NG Tube: enteral feeding
installation of a liquid nutria supplement or feeding into the stomach for patients unable to swallow food
NG Tube: compression
internal application of pressure by means of an inflated ballon to prevent internal esophageal or GI hemorrhage
NG Tube: lavage
irrigation of the stomach in cases of active bleeding, poisoning or gastric dilation