25 - Loss and Grief Flashcards
Necessary losses
things come and go and loss is based on the attatchment
Losses that are replaced by something different or better, natural and positive part of life. Examples: child leaves home to go to college, leaving behind family and friends to go on and make new friends and begin a career.
Actual loss
loss of person or thing that can no longer be felt (loss of limb, job, toy)
Perceived loss
loss of unique to person dealing with it. Loss that they are percievign to themselves
Examples: 4.0 students attending nursing school and receiving a much lower letter grade than they are used to, due to grading scale.
Maturational loss
change related to development (empty nesting)
Situational loss
sudden or unpredictable (accident, natural disaster)
Grief is an emotional response to a loss or a death.
Each individual responds to loss differently and, therefore, grieves at an individual pace and pattern.
Includes grief and mourning
The state of having lost a significant other to death
Non linear process.
Ring on finger: at first you very notice it but over time you get use to it and don’t feel it, but the ring “loss” is still there
Grief describes the response to any type of loss. Bereavement is grief that involves the death of a loved one.
Normal grief
healthy giref
Anticipatory grief
letting go in advance of actually loss, may decrease grief later when loss actually occurs
Complicated grief
grief that extends beyond whats acceptable and has 4 kinds
Chronic grief
unabe to get past the grief and you are always in the grieving stage
Chronic Grief
Strong grief reactions that do not subside and last over a long period of time. Continually experiencing extreme distress over the loss with no progress towards feeling better or improving functioning.
Delayed grief
delayed normal reaction
the emotional pain from loss is repressed or put on a shelf so to speak, to be dealt with at a later time.
Exaggerated grief
grief that overwhelms to the point that the person isn’t functioning
elt through the intensification of normal grief responses. This intensification has a tendency to worsen as time moves on. This may result in self-destructive behaviour, suicidal thoughts, drug abuse, abnormal fears, nightmares, and even the emergence of underlying psychiatric disorders.
Masked grief
behaviours by the griever that interfer with normal functions and the person is unaware of these behaviorus
grievers do not admit their grief, and end up suffering other symptomology.
Disenfranchised grief
greif that can’t be expressed or acknowledged due to stigmitization
Hope: anticipation of good or continued lessened of an event/thing
Brings comfort to being
Spiritual distress: based on a person hope/lack of it
Bioethics are concerned with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, theology and philosophy.
Dying person’s bill of rights
Provincial/territorial regulatory organizations
medical assistance in dying
-nurses cannot administer a substance to die, we cannot suggest MAID, we can discuss it if the patient brings it up but we cannot offer it
advanced care plan. 3 levels: resuscitation, medical, comfort. Patient can change it whenever, need a new sheet evey single time.
Substitute decision maker: done in advance, person knows the patients wishes regarding treatment and life sustaining procesurelly and ideally lives locally
Advance care directive: documents a peron’s preference regarding end of life support
Palliative care
- Aim of palliative care is to relieve suffering and improve the quality of living and dying.
- For any age, diagnosis and any time. Care for the physical, mental, spiritual and all other aspects of patients life
- Relief from pain and distressing symptoms
- Affirm life and regard dying as a normal process
- Neither hasten nor postpone death
- Integrate psychological and spiritual aspects
- Offer support system
- Enhance quality of life
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
a rare abnormal breathing pattern that can occur while awake but usually occurs during sleep. The pattern involves a period of fast, shallow breathing followed by slow, heavier breathing and moments without any breath at all, called apneas
skin turns purple