4- Viral Respiratory Infections Flashcards
how damage predisposes pt’s to super infections (baterial)
interrupt mucocilliary escalator (can’t expel bacteria or pollutants) + weaken immune system (fighting viruses instead of bacteria)
common cold symptoms
- rhinitis (inflamm of nasal mucosa)
- pharyngitis (sore throat)
- NO high fever, lower respir involvement, or respir distress
allergies can mimic symptoms
complications of common cold
- otitis media
- sinus infections
- exacerbation of asthma (rhinovirus C)
common cold treatments
- antihistamines
- decongestants
- NOT antibiotics
- no vaccines bc high variation of viruses
prevention by washing hands and covering coughs
common cold pathology
- attach in nasal epi
- replication in epi cells
- cell damage
- host defense activated to clear cell debris
- nasal epi regenerate
etiology of colds
viruses causing colds
- rhinovirus
- coronavirus
- other known (adenovirus, coxsackie)
- unidentified
all transmission thru contact/droplet except coxsackie fecal-oral
most common cause
-from picorna (small RNA) family non enveloped, +ssRNA
-species A, B,C but tons of diversity
shed in respir secretions so transmit contact or large droplets
coronaviridae family enveloped +ssRNA
-spike proteins to attach
-non SARS that causes common cold
aleviate symptoms to treat, no vaccine
non SARS coronavirus mechanisms
rep in epi cells of respir tract
-transmit thru large droplets
-usually infants and children
adenoviruses features
non enveloped dsDNA adrenovirus family
-fiber proteins protrude from vertices of capsid for attachment and toxic
serotypes 1,2,5 cause colds
-prevalent in children under 5
-can enter lymphoid tissue and stay for 18 mo
-no seasonal pattern
transmit via oral, droplet inhalation, conjuctiva
other illnesses of adenovirus
- pharyngoconjuctival fever
- severe respir infection (croup, pneumonia, bronchiolitis)
- GI disease (serotypes 40 and 41)
treatment adenovirus
-reduce symptoms
-immunity long lived but serotype specific
-military recruits get live oral vaccine for 4 and 7
enterovirus family of picornaviruses
-non enveloped + ssRNA
-replicate in cytoplasm
fecal-oral transmission, no vaccine or treatment needed to recover
-lower sanitation places, children in daycare
from coxsackie
-abrupt onset of fever + small vesicles/blisters on soft palate that can rupture
high in children 1-7
can lead to meningitis or encephalitis
hand-foot and mouth disease
fever + vesicular lesions on palms of hand and soles of feet
common in children, goes away on own
influenza viruses
B and C can cause cold symptoms instead of flu symptoms
croup symptoms
swelling in subglottic region of larynx ‘laryngotracheobronchitis’
nasal discharge + mild cough+ pharyngitis > fever + brassy cough (like seal bark) + inspiratory stridor rattling
-chest x ray shows narrowing of air shadow ‘steeple sign’
-worried about hypoxia
highest in kids under 6
croup treatment
alleviate symptoms
-if no stridor at rest then humidify air and hydrate
-if yes stridor at rest then oxygen, epinephrine, glucocorticoids
croup etiology
- parainfluenza virus