1-Striated Muscle Cardiac Flashcards
development sequence
- pluripotent stem cells
- mesoderm/mesenchymal cells
- myogenic progenitor cells
- cardiomyocyte via transcription factors and epigenetic regulation
- embryonic cardiomyocytes
- fetal cardiomyocytes
- neonatal
- adult
cardiac muscle cell
- aggregate but not fuse like skeletal cells but still repeating format
-smaller than skeletal
-one or two nuclei
adjacents are connected by intercalated discs
intercalated disc components
desmosomes + fascia adherens
gap junctions facilitate spread of ions so coordinated contraction (syncytium)
layers of CT
- basement membrane
- endomysium
- perimysium
- epimysium
sarcomeric structure
- bounded by z discs/lines
- thick myosin filaments interact with thin actin
- titin span 1/2 sarcomere from M to Z line
- costameres @ z discs link cytoskeleton to basal lamina
same as skeletal
causes of heart failure
-highest percentage is from dilated cardiomyopathy aka muscle pathology
from familial mutations of cardiac genes for dystrophin, actin, myosin, desmosomal proteins, titin
remodeling in heart disease
long term mechanical stress from high arterial pressure or ischemic =
-inc size of myocytes
-activation of myofibroblasts to inc secretion of ECM to promote fibrosis
-change mechanical properties of heart
aka heart becomes fibrotic and hypertrophic
renin-angiotensin system
another way to inc ECM and become fibrotic
from chronic activation of innate mechanisms /endogenous hormonal signaling
activation = inc angiotensin II > TGF beta and CT growth factor pathways activate > fibroblast differentiate to myofibros and inc deposition of ECM
action potential transmission
og @ SA node then propogate to cardiac muscle cells rapidly via gap junctions
calcium induced calcium release
- T tubules transmit AP from suface of cardiac muscle cell
- depolarization = open voltage gated calcium channels, L type
- influx of extracellular Ca into cell
- Ca binds ryanodine receptor RYR on membrane of SR
- conformational change in RYR so release Ca from inside SR
Calcium in SR
bound by calsequestrin @ region adj to RYR by junctin and triadin proteins
come back by pumps (SERCA, Na/Ca exchanger)
modulating force
inc force = inc length of muscle prior to contraction
either by inc Ca sensitivity or titin helps inc muscle tension
helps inc amount of blood pumping
aka epinephrine or norepinephrine = inc calcium release and force production
bind to beta-adrenorecptors > adenylate cyclase > inc cAMP > activate PKA > phosphorylate LTCC and RYR to enhance CICR
or PKA can relax muscle by phos proteins that reg calcium reuptake
muscarinic agonists
aka acetylcholine have oppo effect of catecholamines
Gi mechanism so inhibits adenylate cyclase and dec phos of phospholamban, troponin I, RYR, voltage gate calcium channels
metabolic characteristics
ATP from oxidation of fatty acids (beta) and TCA cycle/oxidative phosphorylation
majority of acetyl CoA from beta oxidation and rest from lactate/pyruvate oxidation
creatine phosphate important for actin-myosin interactions bc rapidly regenerates ATP from ADP