4/4/2016 By Divine Design - Partnership in Marriage Flashcards
Paul taught the Ephesians about the interdependence of husbands, wives, and the Lord. How would you describe that interdependence?
“submit yourselves one to another”
After being driven from the Garden of Eden, how did Adam and Eve demonstrate equal partnership in marriage?
They cleaved unto each other
What does the word “helpmeet” mean?
The original Hebrew for meet means that Eve was adequate for, or equal to, Adam. She wasn’t his servant or his subordinate. And the Hebrew for help in “help meet” is ezer, a term meaning that Eve drew on heavenly powers when she supplied their marriage with the spiritual instincts uniquely available to women as a gender gift.
Eve was told that Adam would rule over her. What did that mean?
“this doesn’t make Adam a dictator. A ruler can be a measuring tool that sets standards. Then Adam would live so that others may measure the rightness of their conduct by watching his. Being a ruler is not so much a privilege of power as an obligation to practice what a man preaches. Also, over in “rule over” uses the Hebrew bet, which means ruling with, not ruling over. If a man does exercise “dominion … in any degree of unrighteousness” (D&C 121:37; emphasis added), God terminates that man’s authority.”
What counsel did Elder Oaks give parents regarding the time their children spend in private lessons, team sports, and other school and club activities?
The amount of children-and-parent time absorbed in the good activities of private lessons, team sports, and other school and club activities also needs to be carefully regulated. Otherwise, children will be overscheduled, and parents will be frazzled and frustrated. Parents should act to preserve time for family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, and the other precious togetherness and individual one-on-one time that binds a family together and fixes children’s values on things of eternal worth
What has research found to be the strongest predictor of children’s academic achievement and psychological adjustment?
eating meals at home
Name the four hallmarks of a happy home taught by President Monson.
A pattern of prayer.
A library of learning.
A legacy of love.
A treasury of testimony.
What did President Monson say is the number one hallmark of a happy home, the greatest deterrent to sin and the passport to spiritual power?
Family prayer
Why did God make men and women alike? Why did he make them different?
He made us enough alike to love each other, but enough different that we would need to unite our strengths and stewardships to create a whole.
In what ways are the blessings of the priesthood available to every righteous man and woman?
We may all receive the Holy Ghost, obtain personal revelation, and be endowed in the temple, from which we emerge “armed” with power.12 The power of the priesthood heals, protects, and inoculates all of the righteous against the powers of darkness. Most significantly, the fulness of the priesthood contained in the highest ordinances of the house of the Lord can only be received by a man and woman together
Husbands and fathers are primarily responsible for what three things?
provide the necessities of life and protection for their families (preside, provide, protect)
Wives and mothers are primarily responsible for _________.
primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.
Define interdependence.
equal partners
Define nurturing.
Acts that foster a good temporal and spiritual environment in which love, learning, and personal growth can thrive.
What five things are shared in an equal partnership?
Power/leadership Decision-making Temporal resources Personal time & development Feelings & needs
In developing a relationship of equal partnership, what three things are important to consider?
Mortal ideal
Mortal reality
Eternal Reality
What constitutes a balanced life?
Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social