D&C 4 is usually thought of as a missionary revelation. But, think of it as a guide to being well-prepared for marriage and a good list of qualities to look for in a potential spouse. Which qualities are you working hardest to develop in yourself? Which ones are most important, to you, to find in a potential spouse? Which qualities does the Lord mention twice?
The quantities mentioned are : faith, hope, charity, love, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, humility, diligence
Faith and charity are mentioned twice
What does D&C 88:40 suggest about finding and becoming a “right” person?
“For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.”
What did you learn from the assigned scriptures about mate selection and the importance of marrying in the covenant?
Story of Isaac’s wife- Rebekah, and the watering of camels
Rebekah claims her life is worthless if her son Jacob doesn’t marry in the covenant
Isaac councils his son, Jacob, to marry in the covenant and receive the blessing of Abraham
Jacob works 14 years for his two wives Leah and Rachel
The story of Noah and how his grandchildren weren’t righteous when it came to marriage and thus God decided to flood the earth
Identify the four cornerstones of preparation for marriage.
- Repentance
- Commitment
- Maturity
- Trust
The word repentance denotes three things. Name them.
- Change of mind (what thoughts does I need to repent of?)
- Turning of the heart and will to God (what feelings do I need to repent of?)
- Renunciation of sin (what….?)
Identify and describe the three levels of the maturity continuum.
Dependent (Self-centered, Other-directed)»_space;
Independent (Other-centered, Self-directed)»_space;
Interdependent (Christ-centered, Spirit-directed)
Define commitment.
attitude of dedication, devotion, loyalty, and faithfulness; the promise to do something
What is the foundation of trust?
What determines self-trust or credibility?
- setting and achieving goals
2. making and keeping covenats
What gives others the confidence to trust us?
others have the confidence to trust us because our behavior is consistent
What is character and how is it developed?
Character is the manifestation of what you are becoming; Strong character results from consistent correct choices.
What is the bedrock or foundation of character?
Besides character, upon what else is trust dependent?
How do we develop competence?
- Gain knowledge and skills
- Being able to produce results
- Establish a track record