1/6//16 - Eternal family and the nature of God Flashcards
Eve was created to be a “helpmeet” for Adam. What is the meaning of the word “helpmeet?”
The opposite in a strengthening manner; equal
Moses was shown the “worlds without number” created by God and yet was taught that “all things are numbered unto God.” What does that mean?
It is beyond human comprehension to understand the vastness of God’s creations
True or False: Eternal life and exaltation (the highest degree of the celestial kingdom) are only possible when a man and a woman are sealed in a temple.
What must we understand first before we can correctly comprehend our divine destiny?
Comprehend the nature of God
True or False: Even though the scriptures teach that exalted beings will become “joint-heirs with Christ,” it is important to understand that we will always be subordinate or junior heirs to the Savior.
Elder Callister said Adam and Eve were in “spiritual neutral” in the Garden of Eden. What did that mean?
They couldn’t progress or get in gear; couldn’t understand good or evil
Name the five saving ordinances of the gospel.
Baptism, Reception of the Holy Ghost, Initiatory, Endowment, Sealing
Elder Hales identified three ways Satan is working to destroy the sanctity of the family. Name them.
- Demean the importance of the role of men and women, 2. Encourage moral uncleanliness and violations of the sacred law of chastity
- Discourage parents from placing the bearing and rearing of children as one of their highest priorities
To know God and His character, what four things are necessary?
Revelation, obedience, serving God, remembering him always
When, where, and by whom were Adam and Eve sealed as husband and wife?
Garden of Eden by God before Fall after Creation
In the King Follett discourse, Joseph Smith taught four essential truths about knowing the nature of God. What are they?
- It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God.
- If men do not comprehend the character of God they cannot comprehend their own character.
- If men do not comprehend the character of God they cannot comprehend anything that is past.
- If men do not comprehend the character of God they cannot understand anything that is
to come.
What is the number one reason why young single adults are not getting married?