3/14/2016 Intimacy in Marriage Flashcards
What is Paul teaching in 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 about sexual intimacy?
- Charity or benevolence
- Trust
- Equal partnership
“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband”
“The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
“Depart ye not one from the other, except it be with consent for a time. Then come together again lest Satan tempt you”
One reason marriage is ordained of God is so that the “earth might answer the end of its creation.” What does that mean?
that it might be filled with the measure of man
What does intimacy of any kind involve?
reciprocal feelings of trust, emotional closeness, open communication
What kinds of activities will help a couple prepare for marital intimacy?
What is the “48-hour rule?”
The length of time allowed to talk about problems after they occur
What is the Lord’s approach to sexual decision making in marriage?
Couples should work together to determine the quantity (frequency) and the quality (kind) of sex desired so that it is mutually satisfying to both.
True or False: The greater the charity in a relationship, the greater the intimacy.
Define premarital fragmentation.
Fragmentation: to develop a relationship with only one part of someone (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.)
To achieve intimacy, what five things do women need?
- Cherished/Affection
- Conversation/Understood
- Honesty and Openness
- Financial Security
- Family Commitment
To achieve intimacy, what five things do men need?
- Sexual fulfillment
- Recreational companionship
- An attractive spouse
- Domestic support
- Admiration
Name three reasons why sexual relations were ordained of God in marriage.
- Procreation
- Expressing love
- Strengthening emotional and spiritual ties
What three guiding principles did the Apostle Paul teach about marital intimacy?
- And they shall not be ashamed
- Between husband and wife
- Purity and passion