What does Proverbs 3:5-7 have to do with the covenant of marriage?
Relying on the Lord first, drawing near to him to help strengthen the relationship, trusting His guidance
What was the Savior teaching the Sadducees when he said “in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as angels of God?”
That specific group won’t be sealed because they don’t believe in the resurrection or sealing
What was Paul teaching when he said “it is better to marry than to burn?”
It would be better to marry than to commit sin and burn with lust. He was talking to full time missionaries and saying it was better to marry than to give in to temptation like Corianton and then burn
What did Paul mean when he said “the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband?
Responding to a question, husband or wife is sanctified by the believing husband or wife; you have an opportunity to help another person
What is the remedy for most marriage problems?
What is the new and everlasting covenant?
The entire gospel. Marriage is a part of it, baptism is a part of it, all ordinances and covenants are part of it. In particular Sealing in the Temple
What are some of the benefits, found in social science research, of being married?
People that are married live longer, are wealthier, are healthier, are less depressed, have greater job stability, and feel better understood.
What are the top three reasons why young single adults are not getting married?
Identify the three meanings of the word “ordained.”
Of divine origin
Ordain reminds us that marriage is an ordinance
Bring forth the blessings and powers of God
President Eyring identified two assurances given to a man and a woman who are legally married.
1) Help to resolve any differences between them
2) Help them to love each other
True or False: A person must be married in the temple to inherit the celestial kingdom.
Name the three conditions of the eternal marriage covenant.
The covenant must be MADE (worthiness, right place, right authority)
The covenant must be ENTERED INTO (keep covenants- let it enter into us)
Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise (prove faithful in all circumstances)
Name the three blessings of entering and faithfully keeping the eternal marriage covenant.
Define the patriarchal order of the priesthood.
What three blessings are associated with the Abrahamic covenant?
Promised Land - Abraham told he will have a land of inheritance (refers to Celestial Kingdom, not necessarily land here on earth)
Priesthood - access to priesthood, especially eternal marriage
Posterity - eternal increase, not necessarily our direct child
(I think this may be #13, and another list may be #15)
When and where do we receive the fulness of the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant?
When: we are sealed as husband and wife
Where: the Temple
Identify three reasons why plural marriage has been commanded throughout history.
- Necessary part of the restoration of all things in this last dispensation
- To raise up a righteous posterity to the Lord
- A test of obedience and faith required by the Lord.
What is the law of Sarah?
The first wife has to give her consent before the husband could take additional wives
But, what if the Lord commanded a man (like Joseph Smith) to take an additional wife, but the first wive (like Emma Smith) refuses to give her permission
D&C 132:64-65 –
Three main causes of divorce
- Selfishness
- Breaking covenants
- Not understanding the doctrine of marriage