3/9/2016 Law of Chastity Flashcards
To what did Paul compare our physical bodies?
Alma taught his son, Corianton, about sexual sin. What weaknesses caused Corianton to violate the law of chastity? Where did Alma place sexual sin in the list of serious sins?
boasting in his own strength, seeking after harlots,
Worst=denying the Holy Ghost, then murder, then violating the law of chastity
What did the Savior teach about having lustful thoughts?
Even just having lustful thoughts is committing adultery (the higher law)
What are the consequences of having lustful thoughts?
What blessings does the Lord promise us if we let virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly?
Our confidence will wax strong in the presence of God
Define lust.
Describe the three reasons taught by Elder Holland about why we should stay morally clean.
- Soul - body and spirit
- Symbol - oneness of a man and women that comes with sexual intimacy
- Sacrament - an act that draws us closer with God; this power (used in the proper time under the proper circumstance) has ability to draw us closer to God than almost any other power
True or False: Guilt is a tool of the adversary.
False (“Guilt says, ‘I did something wrong. I can change. I made a mistake. I can improve. My mistakes don’t define who I am.’”)
Shame is a tool of the adversary
What must the extent and intensity of our repentance match?
the nature and severity of your sins
Define the law of chastity.
Chastity is sexual purity. Those who are chaste are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions. Chastity means not having any sexual relations before marriage. It also means complete fidelity to husband or wife during marriage.
What are some of the primary consequences of viewing pornography?
Loss of the Spirit Emotional Detachment Loss of motivation/discipline social isolation loss of mental focus and concentration
What counsel would you give to an individual who is trying to avoid or overcome pornography?
What counsel would you give to a wife whose husband is addicted to pornography?
Repentance requires confession and restitution. What should a husband who has struggled with pornography do to fulfill those requirements to his wife?