3/28/2016 Christlike Communication Flashcards
After reading the assigned scriptures, what would you say is the difference between Christlike communication and unChristlike or corrupt communication?
Christlike communication is meek and edifieth, uplifted and bringeth understanding. The reverse is corrupt and unintelligible.
What was Nephi’s standard of communication?
“after ye have … received the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, [ye] can speak with a new tongue, yea, even with the tongue of angels. … And … how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ.”
What counsel and cautions did Elder Holland give to men and women in his talk, “The Tongue of Angels?”
I speak against verbal and emotional abuse of anyone against anyone, but especially of husbands against wives
Sisters, there is no place in that magnificent spirit of yours for acerbic or abrasive expression of any kind, including gossip or backbiting or catty remarks
What counsel and caution did Elder Holland give parents to help children escape our culture’s obsession with comparing, competing, and never feeling they are “enough?”
Be constructive in your comments to a child—always.
try not to compare your children
What is the difference between the spirit of the gospel (having the Holy Ghost with us) and a pessimistic spirit (not having the Holy Ghost with us)?
“The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience.”
In looking at how the Savior communicated with others, we can draw two conclusions about Christlike communication. What are they?
- Our communication weaknesses are often a reflection of the ways in which we are not like the Savior. Our communication strengths are often a reflection of the ways in which we are like the Savior
- We struggle to communicate like the Savior when our hearts are full of pride and selfishness. Pride causes the mind to close and the heart to harden. Selfishness causes us to think primarily about ourselves.
How are trust and communication related?
Trust is built upon character (being Christ-like) and competence (communication tools)
In analyzing communication patterns, what percentage of our messages have communication experts attributed to verbal communication, to body language, and to tone of voice?
communication: 60% body language, 30% tone of voice, 10% verbal
Define effective validation.
Confirming that the other person and the other person’s thoughts and feelings are relevant and important.
Understanding and legitimizing the other person’s point of view. Whether you agree with the other person’s point of view or not is irrelevant. It is accepting that, at least in the moment, it is how he/she feels.
Complete the following: Seek first to _________, then to be __________.
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
6 negative patterns of communication
Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt, Stonewalling, Intimidation, Manipulation
A quote that will be on the test
“Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved”- Monson