4/18/19 Flashcards
amniotic fluid high in AFP and/or acetylcholinesterase
failure of fusion of neural tube
Failure for rostral neuropore fusion
Failure of caudal neuropore fusion
spina bifida
Colitis-associated colorectal cancer tumors are
multifocal, flat lesions
more aggressive
more likely to have high histopathological grade
younger patients
sporadic colorectal cancer tumors are
singular, polypoid
Complement binding site for IgG and IgM for C1
Fc portion of the heavy chain closer to the hinge region
solitary, painless ulcer
primary syphilis
painless progressive red serpiginous ulcerative lesions without LAD, biopsy shows donovan bodies
granuloma inguinal by klebsiella granulomatous
deep, purulent, painful ulcers w/matted/supurative lypmhadenitis
H. ducreyi
multiple painful superficial vesicles or ulcerations with erythematous base
What slows the progression of hemochromatosis in women
physiology iron loss from menstruation and pregnancy
Klinefelter syndrome labs
Increased LH and FSH
decreased testosterone
no sperm
Mutation in GNAS gene
constant G protein activation
Hormone overproduction
Symptoms of McCune Albright
peripheral precocious puberty
irregular cafe-au-lait spots
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (multiple osteolytic lesions in hip and pelvis)
complications of McCune Alright
Cushing syndrome
Beta thalassemia is a defect in
transcription, processing, translation of beta-globing mRNA
Disorders in heme synthesis are
Treatment for BPH that also decreases prostate volume
5-alpha-reductase inhibitor
Griseofulvin effects
fungal mitosis
Flucytosine effects
fungal DNA and RNA synthesis
Capsofungin effects
fungal cell wall
Amphotericin B, nystatin bind
ergosterol in fungal cell membrane
azoles inhibit synthesis of
ergosterol in fungal cell membrane
Made from remnants of Rathke’s pouch (anterior pituitary)
Supersellar tumor in children composed of calcified cysts containing cholesterol crystals
Treatment for carcinoid syndrome
synthetic analog of somatostatin with longer half life
MC complication of fibrinolytic therapy for acute MI
intracerebral hemorrhage
why PCI is preferred
Cortisol levels show no change (continues to be elevated) with high dose dexamethasone suppression test
ectopic ACTH secretion
adrenal adenoma/carcinoma
Cortisol levels decrease with high dose dexamethasone suppression test
pituitary adenoma
Decreased transverse tubules in muscle fibers
causes uncoordinated contraction of myofibrils within affected muscle fibers
lipids absorbed in small intestine cannot go to blood and accumulate in intestinal epithelium resulting in enterocytes w/clear or foamy cytoplasm
Procalcitonin rises with
bacterial toxins
Procalcitonin decreases with
viral infections
Positive acute phase reactants
rise in acute inflammatory states
fibrinogen CRP ferritin hepcidin ceruloplasmin haptoglobin VWf complement
Negative acute phase reactants
fall in acute inflammatory states
transthyretin (prealbumin)
Primary Tb infection affects
Ghon complex
lower lobe and ipsilateral hilar lymph node
Secondary Tb infection affects
If walls of the granuloma weaken, M. tuberculosis can escape bronchogenically and cause reactivation secondary disease
apical cavitary lesions
MC in immunosuppression
Miliary tuberculosis
hematogenous dissemination of bacteria to multiple organs like liver
Antioxidant enzymes
superoxide dismutase
glutathione peroxidase
convert ROS to water and oxygen
Bruises change from blue to green by
Heme oxygenase in macrophages
heme into biliverdin, CO, and ferrous iron
Bruises change from green to yellow by
biliverdin reductase (reducer)
biliverdin to bilirubin
bilirubin in transferred to liver bound to albumin
Obstructed right brachiocephalic (innominate) vein
possibly from apical lung tumor
redness and edema on one side of the face
engorgement of subcutaneous veins
Meningioma histology
whorled pattern of cell growth that forms nests
may calcify into round eosinophilic laminar structures (psammoma bodies)
Ebstein anomaly associated with what drug
Nightmares occur during
muscle paralysis
final third of the night
Gerstmann syndrome
Finger agnosia
left-right disorientation
What is affected in Gerstmann syndrome
acute ischemic stroke to angular gyrus of dominant parietal lobe
supplied by middle cerebral artery
Sterile platelet rich thrombi on mitral valves
nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (marantic)
underlying hyper coagulable state
nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis is associated with
advanced malignancy esp. mutinous adenocarcinoma SLE (Libmann-sacks endocarditis) antiphospholipid syndrome DIC extensive burns
Myocardial stretch stimulates release of
ANP and BNP are broken down by
neprilysin (metalloprotease)
Sacubitril is used for
chronic heart failure
neprilysin inhibitor
enhances ANP and BNP effects
activate guanylate cyclase
form cGMP
stimulates diuresis and peripheral vasodilation
interferon alpha is made by
anti-tumor activity
cachexia is caused by
suppressing appetite
increasing basal metabolic rate
Transient hemolytic anemia from M. pneumoniae resolves as
IgM antibody titers decline (6-8 weeks)
fading immune response against bacteria
Haemophilus needs both
X factor hematin
V factor NAD+
Standard HF treatment that improve survival
ACE inhibitors
Beta blocker
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
Brain area associated with emotion and personality
orbitofrontal cortex
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
behavioral changes apathy hyperorality hyper sexuality visual agnosia temporal cortex injury
Cromolyn and nedocromil are
mast cell stabilizing agents
inhibit mast cell degranulation
36 yo female with arthalgias and nodules on her legs
bilateral hilar adenopathy
biopsy of sarcoidosis
noncaseating granulomas that stain negative for fungi and acid fast bacilli
Rheumatoid factor is
- antibody (typically IgM) specific for Fc compartment of IgG
- binds IgG and ACPAs
- forms immune complexes that deposit of synovium and cartilage
Anorexic girl with no periods, her labs show
decreased LH and FSH
decreased estradiol
HPV likes to affect what kind of epithelium
stratified squamous
true vocal cords
migratory thrombophlebitis should raise suspicion of
visceral cancer
pancreas, colon, lung
“Trosseau sign”
S3/S4 is best heard at
the apex in LL decubitus at end expiration
S3/S4 has decreased intensity with
decreases preload
MCC of transtentorial herniation
brain tumor
first sign of uncle herniation
fixed and dilated pupil on side of the lesion
presentation of uncle herniation may be
- ipsilateral paralysis of CN III muscles
- contralateral or ipsilateral hemiparesis
- contralateral homonymous hemianopsia with macula sparing
Dog bite
mouse like odor
pasteurella multocida
tx with augmentin
depolarizing (succinylcholine) anesthetic will have what kind of TOF stimulation
phase I: constant but diminished
phase II: fade (seen in prolonged exposure to succinylcholine or abnormal plasma cholinesterase activity)
non depolarizing (vecouronium) anesthetic will have what kind of TOF stimulation
Fade throughout
Birth control pills work by
decreasing serum gonadotropin levels
decreased GnRH in hypothalamus
decreased FSH and LH in anterior pituitary
inhibits ovulation
Progestin only pills cause
impairment of embryo implantation by thinning uterine lining
Progestin only and IUD levonorgestrel prevent pregnancy by
thickening cervical mucus
prevents sperm from accessing uterus
continue to have periods
Clomiphene MOA
selective estrogen receptor modulator
stimulates FSH and LH production
stimulation of follicle development in ovaries
copper IUD works by
creating intrauterine environment that is toxic to sperm
hyperprolactinemia treated with
dopamine agonists
decreases prolactin secretion by binding DA receptors
Treatment for coagulase negative staph should initially include
Bilateral pitting LE edema, flank mass, and tortuous abdominal veins is concerning for
IVC obstruction by renal cell carcinoma with extension to IVC
Classic triad of RCC
flank pain, palpable mass, hematuria
Common paraneoplastic syndrome with RCC
hypercalcemia from PTH-rp
CREST syndrome stands for
Calcinosis Raynaud's phenomenon Esophageal dysmotility Sclerodactyly Telangiectasias
Antibodies against what is found in CREST
Anti-DNA topoisomerase (scl-70) highly specific for systemic sclerosis (diffuse scleroderma)
Anti-dsDNA is specific for
Anti-histone Abs are found in
drug induced lupus procainamide hydralazine isoniazid D-penicillamine
Anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB are found in
Sjogren’s disease is associated with
non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Beurger disease (thromboangiitis obliterates) is characterized by
segmental vasculitis extending into contiguous veins and nerves
histology for Beurger disease
- highly cellular inflammatory intraluminal thrombi with neutrophils and multinucleate giant cells in arteries and veins
- sparing of vessel wall and internal elastic lamina
Karyotype of partial mole
69 XXX or XXY
maternal or paterna DNA
Karyotype of complete mole
46 XX or XY
paternal DNA only
immunochemistry of partial mole
p57 positive
immunochemistry of complete mole
p57 negative