4/17/19 Flashcards
Given a positive test result, what is the probability that a patient has the disease?
Calculate PPV = a / (a + b)
number of people with disease who test positive among all those who test positive
PPV varies with disease
if disease prevalence increases, PPV increases
Hereditary angioedema is a rare AD disorder associated with
painless episodes of swelling involving face, lips, larynx, extremities
Hereditary angioedema is caused by
C1 inhibitor deficiency
Sickle cell disease causes what kinds of hemolysis
intra and extravascular hemolysis
Sickle cell disease causes increase in
indirect bilirubin
lactate dehydrogenase
decreased haptoglobin
What is haptoglobin
Acute phase reactant
- decreased in sickle cell disease
- binds circulating hemoglobin
- reduces renal excretion of free Hgb preventing tubular injury
African american with swelling hands and feet
sickle cell disease
dactylitis (hand-foot syndrome) - vasoocclusive symptoms
Transplant patients (esp. lung) at risk for what virus
enveloped dsDNA
Herpesviridae family
Patients at risk for CMV infection
fetuses (congenital infection)
In HIV, CMV usually causes
CMV histology
- enlarged cells with intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions (viral particles)
- often surrounding halo (owl’s eye)
Ppx for CMV in transplant patients
Influenza virus is an
P450 inducers
phenytoin barbituates rifampin carbamazepine griseofulvin chronic alcohol consumption
P450 inhibitors
isoniazid cimetidine macrocodes azole antifungals grapefruit juice
Tight tie causing lightheadedness
carotid sinus hypersensitivity (baroreceptors)
dilation of internal carotid artery
severe bradycardia, hypotension, syncope
baroreceptors are found in the
carotid sinus
baroreceptors work by
arterial wall stretch as an indication of systemic BP
How does the carotid sinus work
afferent limb: baroreceptors in carotid sinus –> medullary center via Hering nerve (glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX)
efferent limb: from medulla carries PNS impulses via vagus nerve
Carotid massage or pressure can cause
- stimulation of baroreceptors
- increase in PNS output/withdrawal of SNS output to heart and peripheral vasculature
- decreased BP (peripheral vasodilation)
- decreased CO (decreased contractility/SV/HR)
The vagus nerve controls BP by
afferent limb: for nerve fibers of aortic arch baroreceptors
efferent limb: for carotid sinus reflex
What is a low osmolarity in the tubular system
Where is the lowest osmolarity in the tubule system
distal convoluted tubule
100 mOsm/L
Where is the highest osmolarity in the tubule system
descending limb of loo of Henle (when ADH is high)
collecting duct
1200 mOsm/L
Decerebrate posturing (extending) is from damage to
brainstem at/below level of the red nucleus (midbrain tegmentum, pons)
Decorticate (flexor) posturing is from damage to
neural structures above the red nucleus (cerebral hemispheres, internal capsule)
Which one is worse, decerebrate or decorticate posturing
which Ig can cross the placenta
Hemolytic disease of the newborn is caused by
severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia
destruction of fetal RBCs by maternal Ans directed against fetal erythrocyte Ag
Abs cross the placenta and opsonize fetal erythrocytes causing hemolysis
Erythroblastosis fettles is MCC by
Rh incompatibility, D antigen
Hemolytic disease of the newborn can cause what in the baby
- profound anemia - stimulates release of immature nucleated erythrocytes = persistent extra medullary hematopoiesis
- jaundice (poss kernicterus)
- generalized edema (hydros fetalis d/t accumulation of interstitial fluid)
Panic disorder is described as
recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, concern about future panic attacks
Acute stress disorder is described as
exposure to a traumatic event followed by development of characteristic symptoms )re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal) lasting from 3 days to 1 month
Adjustment disorder requires
symptoms that develop in response to an identifiable stressor
Generalized anxiety disorder is described as
chronic multiple worries, excessive worry for at least 6 months, may or may not precipitate panic attacks
Recent MI
sharp/pleuritic chest pain
exacerbation with swallowing
- peri-infarction pericarditis
- 2-4 days post transmural MI
- reaction to necrosis of myocardium near epicardial surface
- resolves in 1-3 days with aspirin
Peri-infarction pericarditis involves damage to
visceral and parietal pericardium localized to areas overlying necrotic myocardial segment
Dressler syndrome
- autoimmune mediated pericarditis
- provoked by antigens exposed or created by infarction and necrosis of cardiac muscle
- onset weeks to months after MI
- pericardium diffusely affected
Nutrients affected by gastric bypass
Iron B12 Folate fat soluble vitamins, esp D calcium
Methacholine MOA
inhaled muscarinic cholinergic agonist
induces bronchoconstriction
Patients with asthma react to methocholine by
- hyper-responsitivity
- reduction in FEV1 at lower doses than in those without asthma
Muscle biopsy showing ragged red fibers
mitochondrial myopathy
maternal inheritance
nervous system dysfunction
lactic acidosis
ragged red fibers on biopsy
mitochondrial myopathies
PSGN presents with
elevated ASO
low C3 levels
Lumbar puncture is done between levels
3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae
lung mass
headache, weakness, altered mental status, seizures
Small cell lung carcinomas are tumors of what origin
SIADH leads to
euvolemic hyponatremia
decreased plasma osmolality
elevated urine osmolality
SIADH gets euvolemic hyponatremia bc
- excessive water absorption = subclinical hypervolemia
- increase in ECF suppresses RAAS
- stimulates production of natriuretic peptides leading to excretion of sodium in urine
= normal ECF volume and low plasma osmolality
SIADH do not have
signs of volume overload
- peripheral edema
- pulmonary crackles
- elevated JVP
long term PPIs are associated with
osteoporotic fractures
possibly by decreasing calcium absorption
Bilateral wedge-shaped strips of necrosis over cerebral convexity, parallel and few centimeters later to inter hemispheric cerebral fissure
- global cerebral ischemia
- neuron cell death is at areas most vulnerable to hypoxia = watershed zones
Irreversible cell injury is associated with
mitochondria vacuolization
Disaggregation of granular and fibrillar elements of the nucleus is associated with
clumping of nuclear chromatin
reversible cell injury
inflammation phase of wound healing
- fibrin clot for hemostasis
- cytokines from activated plt and damaged cells lead to migration of neutrophils (24 hr) and macrophages (2-3 days later)
proliferation phase of wound healing
- 3-5 days after injury
- fibroblasts and endothelial vascular cells form connective tissue and blood vessels
- epithelial cells begin to proliferate at dermal edges and secrete BM material
maturation phase of wound healing
- fibrosis/scar formation during 2nd week after injury
- active fibroblasts synthesize collagen, elastin, connective matrix
Hypertrophic/keloid formation is d/t
increased TGF-beta activity
Fibrosis of the lung, liver, kidney with chronic inflammation is d/t
increased TGF-beta activity
What is capitation
- payment structure underlying HMO’s
- payor pays fixed, predetermined fee to cover all medical services required by a patient
What is global payment
arrangement where insurer pays provider single payment to cover all expenses associated with an incident of care
nodular pleural thickening
pleural effusion (hemorrhagic)
Histology of mesothelioma
numerous long, slender microvilli, and abundant tonofilaments
immunohistochemical markers for mesothelioma
HCM is caused by
genetic mutations in structural proteins of cardiac sarcomere
- beta-myosin heavy chain
- myosin-binding protein C)
histology of HCM
cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
haphazard cellular arrangement and interstitial fibrosis
Before surgery, who has to confirm the surgical site
the nurse and surgeon verify independently
Hepatic steatosis characterized by
TG accumulation within hepatocellular cytoplasm
alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis is d/t
decrease in FA oxidation secondary to excess NADH production from
- alcohol dehydrogenase
- aldehyde dehydrogenase
Fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women
hepatitis E
Hepatitis E is an
ssRNA virus
Opioids cause what in the sphincter of oddi
contraction and spasm
Tumor lysis syndrome is characterized by
Dobutamine causes
Increased: cAMP isotropy chronotropy cardiac output myocardial oxygen consumption (trigger/exacerbate myocardial ischemia)
LV filling pressures
Dobutamine is used in
cardiogenic shock
refractory HF w/severe LV systolic dysfunction