3. power- struggles over power in the medieval period Flashcards
What rights did the barons gain during the medieval period?
The barons gradually gained greater rights during the medieval period.
What happened when Henry I took the throne?
Henry I imprisoned his brother Robert after the barons had favored Robert.
What was a key challenge to monarchs during the medieval period?
There were many challenges to the power of monarchs, and the barons were unhappy about this.
What did Henry I’s Coronation Charter of 1100 do?
It made concessions to the barons, such as giving the king less control over the marriage of barons’ and earls’ daughters.
How did Henry II treat his barons regarding taxes?
Henry II did not impose harsh taxes on his barons and often forgave rebellious barons.
What was King John’s relationship with his barons like?
King John had a negative relationship with his barons, partly due to heavy taxation.
What actions did King John take that angered the barons?
John sold ‘justice’ by accepting bribes during court cases and often ruled in favor of the nobles.
What significant document did King John accept due to baronial pressure?
John accepted the Magna Carta (‘Great Charter’), which limited the power of the king.
What principle did the signing of the Magna Carta establish?
It embedded the principle that everyone, including the king, was subject to the law.
What event occurred in 1215 related to King John and the barons?
A civil war broke out after disputes between John and his barons could not be resolved.
What was the outcome of the civil war between John and his barons?
The civil war could not be solved.
When did Parliament emerge?
Parliament emerged in the thirteenth century.
What was the opinion of some people regarding de Montfort?
Some people thought de Montfort was too radical.
What happened to de Montfort at the Battle of Evesham?
He was killed at the Battle of Evesham in 1265.
What happened to Henry after de Montfort’s death?
Henry was reinstated as king.
What did Henry III do during his reign regarding Parliaments?
He continued to summon Parliaments until his death in 1272.
What did Henry III accept at the start of each Parliament?
He openly accepted the terms of the Magna Carta.
What significant event occurred in 1251 involving Simon de Montfort?
Simon de Montfort and a group of barons forced Henry to accept the Provisions of Oxford.
What did the Provisions of Oxford state?
The king had to rule with the advice of a council of 24 advisers, and Parliament had to meet three times a year.
What was Edward I known for as a ruler?
He was a strong and effective ruler who summoned Parliament regularly.
What was the significance of the Model Parliament called by Edward I in 1295?
Knights and representatives (burgesses) from major towns were invited, making up the Commons.
What pattern emerged between kings and Parliament?
Kings used Parliament to listen to the concerns of their subjects, and Parliament would provide the king with money needed for wars and other things.
What did de Montfort create in 1265?
He created the first Parliament which met in 1265.
What power did the barons have over Richard II?
The barons had enough power to depose Richard II.
How old was Richard I when he became king?
Richard I became king at the age of ten.
Who ruled on behalf of Richard I?
A council of barons ruled on his behalf.
What event challenged Richard II in 1381?
Richard was challenged by the Peasants’ Revolt.
What triggered the Peasants’ Revolt?
The revolt was triggered by high taxation for the war with France.
What happened to Richard II after the rebellion?
Richard had been defeated and was forced to execute some of his allies.
What was Richard II’s response to the peasants’ demands?
Richard broke his promise to give in to some of the peasants’ demands.
How many people did Richard II order to be executed in retaliation?
He ordered the deaths of more than 5000 people.
What did Richard II do in 1397?
Richard arrested some of the nobles who had opposed him in 1387.
What action did Richard II take against Bolingbroke?
Richard confiscated Bolingbroke’s inheritance.
What was Bolingbroke’s response to Richard II’s actions?
Bolingbroke raised a force and defeated Richard in 1399.
What title did Bolingbroke receive after defeating Richard II?
Bolingbroke was crowned Henry IV in October 1399.
How was Henry V’s reign characterized?
Henry V had a successful and peaceful reign.
What conflict arose during Edward IV’s reign?
Edward IV began to quarrel with the Earl of Warwick.
What happened to Warwick in 1471?
Warwick rebelled and was killed in 1471.
What was Henry VI recognized as during his reign?
Henry VI was recognized as a weak and ineffective king.
What happened after Edward IV’s death?
His son became King Edward V, but three months later his uncle seized the throne.
Who was crowned after seizing the throne from Edward V?
His uncle was crowned Richard III.
What conflict arose between the Dukes of York and Somerset?
They quarreled about who should be Henry VI’s chief adviser.
What was the outcome of the quarrel between York and Somerset?
Somerset was killed in battle.
Who opposed Richard III?
Richard III faced opposition from Henry Tudor.
What significant battle occurred in August 1485?
Henry killed Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth.
What happened to Henry VI after the Battle of Bosworth?
His son deposed Henry VI and became Edward IV.