3 Abnormal findings in Lungs + Thorax Flashcards
types of adventitious breath sounds
- fine
- coarse
- rhonchi
- wheeze
- stridor
- friction rub
fine rales/crackles
high pitched, short, cracking
-end of I, does NOT clear w cough
coarse rales/crackles
loud, moist, low pitches, bubbling
-end of I, does NOT clear w cough
low pitched, continuous, snoring, rattling
-E/I, clears/changes w cough
high pitched, continuous
-E/I when severe
loud, high pitched crowing heard w/o stethoscope
friction rub
low pitched, grating, rubbing
discontinuous sounds
continuous sounds
wheeze, rhonchi
cause of fine/coarse rales/crackles
collapsed/fluid filled alveoli open
cause of rhonchi
fluid-blocked airways
cause of wheeze
blocked airflow in asthma, infection, foreign body obstruction
cause of stridor
obstructed UPPER airway
cause of friction rub
pleural inflammation
portions of lungs that are normally filled w air instead contains fluid or tissue
[norm + abnorm]
- say 99 each time stethoscope touches
norm: muffled sounds
abnorm: loud/more distinct means consolidation
[norm + abnorm]
- say EEEEE each time stethoscope touches
norm: eeeee
abnorm: sounds like aaayy in areas of consolidation
whispered pectoriloquy
[norm + abnorm]
- whisper 1,2,3
norm: faint, non-distinguishable
abnorm: loud + clear over consolidation
frequent site of aspiration pneumonia
right middle lobe
-4-6th intercostal space
-rapid shallow
slow, reg resp
rapid, deep resp
irregular, shallow resp
period of deep breaths + periods of apnea
shallow, deep resp w periods of apnea
obstructive breathing
prolonged expiration
common causes of tachypnea
- fever
- fear
- exercise
- resp insufficient
- pleuritic pain
- alkalosis
common causes of bradypnea
- diabetic coma
- drug induced resp depress
- incr ICP
common causes of hyperventilation
-extreme exertion
-diabetic ketoacid
salicylate overdose
common causes of hypoventilation
- narcotic overdose
- anesthetics
- prolonged bed rest
- drug induced resp depress
common causes of cheyne-strokes
- normal in kids + aging
- HF
- uremia
- brain damage
- drug induced resp depress
common causes of biot’s
- brain damage
- resp depress
common causes of obstructive breathing
-COPD asthma chronic bronchitis
chronic hyperreactive condition resulting in bronchospasms, mucosal edema, incr mucus secretion
-response to inhaled irritants or allergens
[subjective findings]
- dyspnea
- anxiety
- chest pain
[objective findings]
- wheeze
- diminished breath sounds
- -absent if severe
- incr resp rate
- incr use of accessory muscles
- decr O2 sat
collapse due to airway obstruction (mucous plug, lack of surfactant, compressed chest wall)
[subjective findings]
- absence of symptom if only small portion is affected
- dyspnea if significant portion of lung is affected
[objective findings]
- decr/absent breath sounds over affected area
- incr resp rate
- decr O2 sat
- cyanosis if severe
chronic bronchitis
inflammation of traceobronchial tree
-leads to incr mucus production + blocked airway
chronic bronchitis
[subjective findings]
- dyspnea
- fatigue r/t incr work breathing
chronic bronchitis
[objective findings]
- **chronic productive cough
- incr resp rate
- use of accessory muscle
- wheeze/rhonchi
chronic inflammation of lungs leads to destruction of alveoli + decr elasticity
-air is trapped + lungs hyperinflate
[subjective findings]
- dyspnea
- air hunger r/t hypoxemia + CO2 retension + air trap
[objective findings]
- barrel chest
- cyanosis
- hypercarbia
- clubbing
- diminished breath sounds
lobar PNA
infection that causes fluid, bacteria, + cellular debris to fill alveoli
lobar PNA
[subjective findings]
- dyspnea
- fatigue
- chills
lobar PNA
[objective findings]
- incr reso rate
- fever
- productive cough
- decr O2 sat
- bronchial breath sounds + CRACKLES
pleural effusion
[objective findings]
- cough
- dininished breath sonds
- decr/absent fremitus
- no voice transmittion
air moves into pleural space
- causes partial/complete collapse of lungs
- can be spontaneous, traumatic, or tension
[objective findings]
- incr resp rate
- decr O2 sat
- diminished/absent breath sounds over affected area
- decr chest wall expansion
- tracheal deviated to unaffected area
Pursed lip breathing
Physiologic response to slow down expiration
-CHF, emphysema, asthma
(loud, low pitched, hollow, lungs)
-You CANNOT auscultate resonance
You can only percuss
(abnormally loud, air trapped in lungs)
(high pitched, soft, sort, muscle or bones, over ribs)