2P - Shoulder Dystocia Flashcards
– difficult labor due to abnormalities
pertaining to the fetus usually occurs in the second stage of
labor characterized by prolonged duration or arrested
fetal dystocia
Most common cause of fetal dystocia?
Malpresentation and malposition
Any presentation other than occiput?
What is the cardinal sign in possible problems with the delivery of the fetal head?
Delay in descent
What occupies the AP diameter of the pelvis?
Bitrochanteric diameter of the fetus
Best indicator of adequate fetopelvic proportions
Good progress of labor
What maneuver is used to deliver the nuchal arms in breech delivery?
Loveset maneuver
Common complication in transverse lie?
Umbilical cord prolapse
Weight of conduplicato corpore fetus?
Presentation if the presenting diameter is the occipitomental?
Occiput higher than sinciput
Management of brow presentation?
CS delivery
Conversion of brow presentation is done if possible?
presentation if the presenting diameter is trachelo bregmatic diamter?
Cardinal movements in delivering a mentum anterior fetus?
descent, flexion, and external rotation
Cardinal movements in delivering a mentum posterior fetus?
internal rotation to mentum anterior,
descent, flexion and external rotation
What face presentation will trial of labor still be recommended?
Mentum anterior
Presentation if there is presence of an extremity alongside the presenting part?
Compound presentation
Prolapsed extremity can retract in delivery of compound presentation? T or F
What prevents fetal head flexion in persistent occiput posterior?
Symphysis pubis
Indications of CS in occiput posterior?
Station -2 but fully dilated cervix
non reassuring and signs of obstruction
Naegele’s Obliquity is also knows as?
Anterior asynclitism
Litzmann’s obliquity is also known as?
Posterior asynclitism
Management for asynclitism?
Keilland forceps
All fours maneuver for delivery of fetus with shoulder dysotcia?
Gaskin’s Maneuver