25_Lesson 16_Part 5 Exercise 16.3 Flashcards

Listen to three people talking about their experiences and answer the questions. The scripts are on the next page.


Listen and answer these questions.

Question A: Yêe-bpùn

  1. Pûak-kăo jà bpai têe-năi deuan née?
  2. Təə kəi bpai yêe-bpùn mái?
  3. Pêuan kăwng təə pôot wâa təə nâa-jà tam à-rai?
  4. Pêuan kăwng təə bpai-tîao têe-nân túk bpee châi-mái?
  5. Krâwp-krua kăwng təə châwp à-rai jàak yêe-bpùn?

Deuan née chăn láe krâwp-krua jà bpai yêe-bpùn. Dtàe chăn mâi kəi bpai yêe-bpùn. Chăn yàak bpai mâak. Pêuan kăwng chăn pôot wâa yêe-bpùn sŭai. Təə glàp bpai têe-nân túk bpee. Təə pôot èek wâa chăn nâa-jà lawng bpai-tîao têe-nân doo. Chăn kít wâa man jà sà-nùk mâak láe túk kon nai krâwp-krua kăwng chăn châwp aa-hăan yêe-bpùn mâak.


Pûak-kăo jà bpai têe-năi deuan née?
(Where are they going this month?)

Pûak-kăo jà bpai yêe-bpùn deuan née.
(They are going to Japan this month.)
Təə kəi bpai yêe-bpùn mái?
(Has she ever been to Japan?)
Mâi kəi. Təə mâi kəi bpai yêe-bpùn.
(No, she has never been to Japan.)
Pêuan kăwng təə pôot wâa təə nâa-jà tam à-rai?
(What did her friend say she should do?)
Pêuan kăwng təə pôot wâa təə nâa-jà bpai yêe-bpùn.
(Her friend said she should go to Japan.)
Pêuan kăwng təə bpai-tîao têe-nân túk bpee châi-mái?
(Does her friend visit there every year?)
Châi. Təə bpai tîao têe nân túk bpee.
(Yes, she visits there every year.)
Krâwp-krua kăwng təə châwp à-rai jàak yêe-bpùn?
(What does her family like from Japan?)
Krâwp-krua kăwng təə châwp aa-hăan jàak yêe-bpùn.
(Her family likes food from Japan.)

This month, my family and I are going to Japan, but I have never been to Japan. I really want to go. My friend says Japan is beautiful. She goes back there every year. She also said that I should try visiting. I think it will be a lot of fun, and everyone in my family loves Japanese food.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Listen and answer these questions.

Question B: Má-laeng tâwt

  1. Pôo-chaai gàp pêuan kăwng kăo bpai têe-năi wan-née?
  2. Pûak-kăo yàak séu à-rai têe dtà-làat?
  3. Kăo kəi gin má-laeng mái?
  4. Pêuan kăwng kăo mâi châwp má-laeng châi-mái?
  5. Kon têe dtà-làat pôot à-rai gàp kăo?
    jà bpai têe-năi deuan née?

Wan-née pŏm gàp pêuan bpai dəən lên têe dtà-làat. Dtawn-née bàai mohng láew rao hĭo láe yàak séu aa-hăan. Pŏm hĕn ráan kăai má-laeng tâwt. Pŏm mâi kəi gin má-laeng. Dtàe pêuan kăwng pŏm kəi pôot wâa “Man à-ràwi. Pŏm nâa-jà lawng doo>” Pŏm lawng chim má-laeng nèung dtua. Pŏm kít wâa man bplàek mâak láe pèt nít nàwi. Kon kăai pôot wâa pŏm gèng mâak.


Pôo-chaai gàp pêuan kăwng kăo bpai têe-năi wan-née?
(Where did the man and his friend go today?)

Pûak-kăo bpai têe dtà-làat.
(They went to the market.)
Pûak-kăo yàak séu à-rai têe dtà-làat?
(What did they want to buy at the market?)
Pûak-kăo yàak séu aa-hăan.
(They wanted to buy food.)
Kăo kəi gin má-laeng mái?
(Has he ever eaten insects?)
Mâi kəi. Kăo mâi kəi gin má-laeng.
(No, he has never eaten insects.)
Pêuan kăwng kăo mâi châwp má-laeng châi-mái?
(Does his friend not like insects?))
Mâi châi. Pêuan kăwng kăo châwp má-laeng.
(No, his friend likes insects.)
Kon têe dtà-làat pôot à-rai gàp kăo?
(What did the people at the market say to him?)
Pûak-kăo pôot wâa “Kăo gèng mâak.
(They said, “He is very brave.”)

Today, my friend and I went for a walk at the market. It’s already 1 PM now, and we are hungry and want to buy some food. I saw a fried insect stall. I’ve never eaten insects before, but my friend once said, ‘They are delicious. I should try them.’ I tasted one insect, and I thought it was very strange and a bit spicy. The vendor said I was very brave (good).

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Listen and answer these questions.

Question C: Doo năng

  1. Təə láe pêuan bpai doo năng mêua-rai?
  2. Təə kəi hĕn năng rêuang née têe-năi?
  3. Pêuan kăwng təə tam à-rai dtawn pûak-kăo gam-lang doo năng?
  4. Pêuan kăwng təə glàp maa mêua-rai?
  5. Təə pôot à-rai gàp pêuan kăwng təə?

Mêua-waan chăn bpai doo năng têe rohng-năng gàp pêuan. Rao kəi hĕn năng rêuang née nai internet láe kít wâa man sà-nùk. Dtawn rao gam-lang doo năng, pêuan kăwng chăn hĭo mâak. Kăo bpai séu popcorn têe ráan. Chăn raw kăo nèung chûa-mohng. Kăo glàp maa dtawn năng sèt. Kăo pôot wâa “Mee kon raw séu popcorn mâak.” Chăn pôot wâa mâi bpen rai, dtàe kăo nâa-jà doo năng rêuang née èek-tee. Man sà-nùk láe dtà-lòk mâak.


Təə láe pêuan bpai doo năng mêua-rai?
(When did she and her friend go to watch the movie?)

Pûak-kăo bpai doo năng mêua-waan.
(They went to watch the movie yesterday.)
Təə kəi hĕn năng rêuang née têe-năi?
(Where did she see this movie before?)
Təə kəi hĕn năng rêuang née nai internet.
(She had seen this movie on the internet.)
Pêuan kăwng təə tam à-rai dtawn pûak-kăo gam-lang doo năng?
(What did her friend do while they were watching the movie?)
Kăo bpai séu popcorn dtawn pûak-kăo gam-lang doo năng.
(He went to buy popcorn while they were watching the movie.)
Pêuan kăwng təə glàp maa mêua-rai?
(When did her friend come back?)
Pêuan kăwng təə glàp maa dtawn năng sèt.
(Her friend came back when the movie ended.)
Təə pôot à-rai gàp pêuan kăwng təə?
(What did she say to her friend?)
ter pôot gàp kăo wâa kăo nâa jà doo năng rêuuang née èek tee · man sà-nùk láe dtà-lòk mâak.
(She told him that he should watch this movie again. It was fun and very funny.)

Yesterday, I went to the cinema to watch a movie with a friend. We had seen this movie on the internet before and thought it would be fun. While we were watching the movie, my friend got really hungry. He went to buy popcorn at the concession stand. I waited for him for an hour. He came back when the movie ended. He said, ‘There were so many people waiting to buy popcorn.’ I said it was okay, but he should probably watch this movie again. It was fun and very funny.

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Not at all