217- Vehicle Collisions Flashcards
What check will the ICO conduct as part of the command’s self-inspection system relating to vehicle accidents?
Check a minimum of 15 file copies of Request For Copy of Collision Record on a QUARTERLY basis to ensure completed forms were verified by a supervisor.
What is a Qualifying Vehicle?
A. Any Commercial truck having a Gross weight of 10,001 lbs or more.
B. Hazardous materials placard displayed, Any vehicle.
C. Bus designed to carry 9 or more persons, including driver.
UMOS will prepare a Truck/Bus Supplemental PAR (MV104S) when at least One of the involved vehicles is a qualifying vehicle and the collision resulted in One Condition of Severity, such as:
- Fatal injuries sustained by at least one person
- Transported for immediate medical treatment, at least one person
- Vehicle towed/transported from scene, at least one (other than flat tire)
Note: One Truck/Bus Supplemental must be prepared for EACH Qualifying Vehicle involved.
What will UMOS once at the scene of vehicle collision?
- Place first cone at least 200 feet from the collision on High-Speed Highways, bridges.
- Place ID TAG (toe tag) on aided if Unconscious AND Removed to Hospital
- Determine cause of the collision by inquiry and observation.
- Attempt to ID any uninvolved witnesses.
- Prepare top portion of Collision Info Exchange Form an give to drivers to prepare bottom portions and exchange unless driver incapacitated, and owner of vehicle or other participant unavailable.
- Use Dept Mobile Device (cell phone, tablet) to prepare PAR electronically via FORMS. (A legible handwritten copy must be completed if member cannot complete PAR electronically.)
- Obtain VIN from dashboard and door making sure they match
- Enter PediCab DCA License # in “Driver Lic ID Number” section and PediCab registration # in “Plate Number” section.
- Review and Sign all handwritten copies and electronic PARs during tour and ensure any deficiencies on PAR are amended by reporting officer during tour.
- Do not accept PARs occurring in another command.
- Forward handwritten copies of PARs to precinct Traffic Safety Officer.
What vehicles do not require Insurance ID cards?
Taxis, buses and other rented vehicles
Government owned vehicles
ICC and Pub Service Commission authorized vehicles
Farm vehicles
How will a Critical Injury be determined during a vehicle collision?
Based upon the on-scene assessment of EMS personnel. Not MOS
Who will the Patrol Supv request upon arrival at a vehicle collision where a death, SILD, critically injury has occurred?
- Request
a. PDS
b. Hway collision tech and collision investigation squad - Notify: DO and CO/DC
- Notify Operations if extended closure of roadway, perishable merchandise or newspapers are involved.
1. Have a separated 61 prepared for EACH person killed, SILD, critically injured as a result of collision.
2. Ensure relatives notified in timely manner and document time, date and MOS making under Notifications captions on PAR
Note: Above notifications made by Collision Investigation Squad when collision results in Death.
When a collision initially with minor injuries results in death as a result of collision, a PAR Supplemental and Comp Report will be prepared and forwarded to Collision Investigation Squad with copy of original PAR. (Must also notify CIS via telephone.)
If a moving violation summons issued, and violation resulted in a collision that caused Death or SPI of someone other than violator, the summoning officer must write “D” for death or “SPI” in the description/narrative section of summons.
1. Ensure all operators of vehicles involved in major accident submit to a breath test unless: a. Operator removed to hospital or b. Directed by Supv on scene
What forms will an MOS fill out when it is determined the City may be involved in a civil suit as a result of an Accident or Vehicle Collision?
Fill one of these forms out:
A. PAR-collision
B. Aided- injury
C. Accident City Involved- if there is not injury or collision
What will umos do when one of the operators of a leaves the scene of a collision involving personal injury/property damage?
1. Prepare Comp Report Worksheet, unless the driver that attempted to flee is apprehended and issued a traffic offense summons for Leaving Scene of Collision Without Reporting, prior to preparation of 61.
If NY Plate # obtained,
A. UMOS query NYSPIN thru FINEST to see if vehicle stolen.
B. Obtain name and address of registered owner.
C. Give information to complainant.
If Out of State Plate # obtained,
A. UMOS query NYSPIS thru NYSPIN to get owner information.
B. Provide complainant with information if identity of owner obtained.
Note: In determining if a case should be left open or closed to PDS, extent of Injuries is not a determining factor.
In property damage only cases, a TVB summons may be served even though member did not observe the offense. (So if the perp leaves but is caught prior to 61 preparation, you can issue summons for leaving scene without having to have witnessed it.)
Who will be the Investigating Supervisor for Department Vehicle Collisions?
Property Damage Only/non-serious injury to MOS/Civilian:
Patrol Supervisor, Pct of Occurrence (Complete Part A of CR-PDV)
Supervisory Officer from MOS’s command, if available (Complete Part A)
Death or Serious Injury to anyone:
CO/Duty Capt will respond and Complete Part A of CR-PDV)
Who prepares the MV 104 (PAR) in Department Vehicle Collisions?
Cop prepares unless he’s incapacitated, then it would be Patrol Supervisor preparing PAR and other forms necessary.
Who will the Investigating Supervisor notify if there’s video available relating to Dept Vehicle Accidents, but having technical difficulties?
Precinct Detective Squad.
If PDS cannot retrieve video, then notify TARU.
How many file copies of Request For Copy of Collision Record will the ICO check?
Minimum of 15 file copies on a Quarterly basis as part of the command’s self-inspection system.
When can a UMOS prepare a PAR at a Police Facility?
Any Collision which:
- SPI/Death (No time frame)
- Injury and collision being reported within 5 days
- Commercial vehicle damaged and towed away being reported within 5 days
Note: If above criteria isn’t met, then give reporter a Civilian Accident Report.
Walk-in hit and runs will be referred back to the scene of collision.
Who will cop notify when a MOS (Cop or Civilian) strike a pedestrian/bicycle in violation of AC 19.190b “Fail to yield right of way causing injury”?
If an On or Off Duty MOS (uniformed or civilian) is involved in a collision AND:
A. Within 5 Boros
B. Struck pedestrian/ bicyclist causing any Physical Injury
C. Is in violation of AC 19.190
Cop notifies the PS, who will notify IAB and enter log # in AL and CLE
Who will DO notify regarding Aircraft Accidents?
What vehicles will not be DARP towed?
15,000 lbs or more (only if requested) Govt vehicles Rotow (Stolen, abandoned) Arrest Evidence Franchise Tow (collision on Hway, Bridge or tunnel)
What radio codes are associated with the DARP program?
99T4- No tow required 99T5- DARP 99T6- Other tow 99T7- DARP and other tow 99T8- Highway Tow 99T9- DARP requested,30 min wait, 2nd call, resumed patrol