204- Uniforms & Equipment Flashcards
What are the optional uniform items between May 1- Nov 1?
1- Short Sleeve Shirts
2- Tie, when wearing long sleeve shirt.
*UNLESS attending ceremonies, meetings, funerals or as directed
What is the OPTIONAL uniform equipment between June 1- Oct 1?
1- Summer Cap
2- POs and Detectives ASSIGNED to subway patrol duties in uniform, have option of wearing uniform cap and Alternative summer uniform
No Sgts!!!
What is the OPTIONAL uniform equipment between Nov 1- May 1?
Quilted Vest Carrier.
Has to be Navy Blue
Can be all ranks
Never the outermost garment.
What is a UMOS assigned to civilian clothes enforcement required on duty?
1- Semi-auto with ONE extra magazine *if .38, 12 extra rounds. 2- Handcuffs, with keys. 3- At least 10 Contact Cards at commencement tour 4- Color of Day band.
When will you wear your uniform?
1- When regularly assigned to uniform. 2- Court
3- Trial Room
4- Office of D.I. or above.
Where will a Lieutenant wear the Gilt (gold) Bar when wearing uniform?
1- Shoulders of Duty Jacket, Summer Blouse and Winter Coat.
2- Collar of Regulation Shirt
3- Collar of Nylon Windbreaker Jacket.
When can you wear the NYPD tactical patrol pants?
Applies to all ranks
Headquarters Security Assigned. Perm/Temp
Who can wear the nylon windbreaker jacket?
1- Anti-crime personnel while performing anti-crime duty
2- Authorized specialized units at police incidents
*Never worn off duty or in conjunction with outermost garment.
(If assigned to anticrime duties for the day you may wear the nylon windbreaker jacket even if you were reassigned to Traffic duty, as long as you were assigned to crime that tour)
Be armed at all times in NYC, unless otherwise directed or your own discretion when you:
Alcohol, likely to consume
Family or Supreme Ct matrimonial part, AND Not on official business Advisable not to Vacation Off-Duty Employment Risk of loss or theft
What are the required activity log inserts?
I Speak
Stop, what is?
Auto Identifier
Active Shooter response
Terrorist indicators
Primary Language identifiers Others required Investigative encounters Stop Report preparation EDP instructions Domestic Violence
What are the standards for Shield and ID Card?
1- Wear shield at all times while in uniform on outermost garment
2- Carry Shield and ID Card at all times, when in uniform or civilian clothes.
3- Display Shield on outermost garment when wearing civilian clothes at scene of emergency
4- if you don’t carry your firearm off duty, you don’t have to carry your Shield.
5- Display ID Card on outermost garment when wearing civilian clothes in any Dept Facility.
Who’s permission do you need in order to not wear your vest outside a Dept facility?
In uniform - 3star Bureau Chief
Plain clothes- 3 stripe immediate supervisor
Who does a UMOS notify if his/her vest doesn’t fit or is unserviceable?
Bring to your Immediate Supervisor
Your supervisor will a- call the vest unit, b- Inspect the vest c- notify CO d- direct MOS to vest unit with 49
When it’s necessary to replace a part of Scooter Helmet, who will UMOS bring damaged part to?
Commanding Officer/Designee
*If emergency replacement required, call Quarter Masters and be guided by them.
Who can grant permission to carry a specialized weapon while performing duty?
Commanding Officer
Who will authorize the wearing of patrol golf shirt?
Police Commissioner
Who must you contact PRIOR to purchasing any vest OTHER THAN the models available through NYPD?
Police Academy Vest Unit
*If part of PD contract, no need to contact but must have it inspected.