207-Complaints Flashcards
All Vice/OCCB complaints shall be recorded at ISD/OCCB except:
1- Pick-up arrests for vice offenses shall be recorded at the Pct of Arrest
2- Found Cont Subs in a Building, record in Pct of Occurrence
3- 2oz or less of Cont Subs NOT IN A BUILDING,
2lbs or less of Found Marijuana, requiring investigation will be recorded in Pct of Occurrence
Where will complaints of lost property be recorded?
In the precinct where complainant first discovered loss, if actual place of occurrence is unknown.
Where will complaints of lease/rental vehicles be recorded?
In the precinct where the vehicle was lease/rented or at the precinct where the vehicle is expected to be returned.
For a continuous event, the complaint will be recorded in the precinct in which the initial offense was committed unless the continuous event includes what? (Must be against one person. No continuous event for multiple victims.)
Rape 1st Degree (Forcible, involuntary..)
CSA 1st Degree
What complaints of Juvenile Delinquency go on a complaint report?
Escape 3
Weapons Offenses
Stolen Prop, Possession Prostitution, promote or permit Issuing Abortion Articles Endangering Welfare Sex Offense
Fraudulent Accosting (Card Trick games) Unlawful Assembly (5or more violent=Public Alarm) Narcotic Offenses (Except 221 Weed)
Burg Tools Possession
A separate 61 will be filled for Each of the following:
Homicide, each victim (Vic is compl)
Assault, each victim except incidental to a Sex Off or a Robbery
Sex Offense, each victim
MVA/Bike Collision with Each victim killed, SPI and
Likely to die, critically injured
Arson, each additional person injured in arson
Perp Killed, each one
What complaint is documented on a Juvenile Report?
1-Juvenile Delinquency, except FEW SPIES FUN JOB, which go on a complaint report.
2-PINS (17and under)
What steps shall be followed when there’s an allegation of corruption/serious misconduct against any Fed,State or City employee, other than MOS?
Commanding Officer (if absent, highest ranking supervisor)
(If the allegation against employee is minor like DV or DUI, just nofity IAB.)
Where will found property be recorded?
CLE and forward Report of Unclaimed Property to SPIS
What Pick-Up arrests shall be recorded on an OLBS only, when there are no additional charges?
Park Rules/Reg
Admin Code/Health Code
Trespass Violation (or Crim Tres 3-Building)
Intox appear in public (Narco/Drug NOT Alcohol)
Loitering (other than Gambling, which req a 61)
Loitering for Prostitution
How do you Void a Comp Report AFTER it has been assigned a precinct serial number by OLCS?
VOID if:
Duplicate or previously reported
Incident occurred in another precinct or outside of NYC
Comp should have been recorded in another manner.
When will a Duplicate copy of a OLCS be sent to Special Victims Division?
A- All sex crimes or attempts against any person of any age.
B- Child Abuse to a 10yr old or less.
When will a UMOS leave a Complaint open to the Pct Det Squad?
MO unique/unusual
Burglary (with GAPS)
Gun,Amt over 5k, 10k in Manhattan
Person present, Safe involved
Robbery w/ firearm, dangerous instrument or victim is 65 yrs or older
Impersonate PO (Rob+Impers=IAB)
Community interest/unrest
Known perp/may ID
SPI, any offense
ID theft less than 5k. (Financial crimes inv 5k+,patt)
Pattern, Vic of similar crime
Who ensures that proper entries are made regarding Comp Report during tour and confers with Training Sgt regarding deficiencies?
Platoon Commander.
A UMOS will not enter a public premises to conduct an investigation of an ongoing Vice/Narc complaint unless authorized by who?
Patrol Supv
Desk Off
Competent Authority’s
Consider FISH E
Facts alleged
Interfere with a covert operation
Seriousness of complaint
History of premises
Effectiveness of uniform patrol
When a Vice/Narc/PCCB complaint is received at a department unit other than a precinct/Transit District/ Police Service Area, the member receiving the complaint will record it how?
1- Telephone the details to the ISD, OCCB
2- Enter OCCB serial#, name and shield of MOS receiving in Telephone Record.
Who will the DO notify for contraband weapons?
2- ATF thru OPERATIONS (Call Ops)
Contraband Weapons
Automatic Weapons Pistols w/ shoulder stocks Silencers Any weapon, which can be concealed on a person, other than a conventional handgun Destructive Device (Boom) R16- Rifle w/barrel less than 16" S18- Shotgun w/barrel less than 18" O26- Altered RorS w/overall length less than 26"
When an MOS discovers a theft to a Dept Locker (or attempt), who will be notified?
Notify D.O.
Notify 1- CO/DC
2- IAB, get log#
Who will a UMOS notify when they have computer related evidence to be seized, subject of investigation or connected to arrest?
Computer Crime Squad M-F 0600x2000
Chief of Detective (After hours)
*Confer for CCS prior to getting a warrant or conducting computer investigation
When becoming aware of corruption by an MOS (Criminal Activity, Excessive Force, Perjury) the MOS will report to who?
IAB, Command Center
ID self or get Confidential ID#, which fulfills reporting requirements
Who is considered a Missing Person?
Missing from a NYC residence AND:
Mentally/Cognitively Impaired/Develop Disabled to extent hospital required
Is 65 yrs old or older
Seventeen yrs old or younger
Involuntary/Unaccountable disappearance
Not capable of Self-Care or clear communication
Gone swimming (Drowning Victim)
Special Category Missing.
Unique/unusual Case
15yrs old or younger
When will an immediate search of the building/structure be conducted during a missing person investigation?
65yrs or older
9yrs or younger
Cognitive Impairment/Development Disability missing from a hospital, institution or building
Prior to initiating Any other action.
Who initiates a search for a special category missing?
Patrol Supervisor, Pct of Occur.
Who directs preparation of a Comp Report Worksheet for a missing?
DO, Pct of Occur.
How will an incident on a moving train be recorded?
As occurring at the very first next stop the train stops at.
Who activates a Silver Alert for a Missing 65+ Demented person?
Detective Sq CO/ DC only.
Who is considered an Investigating Supervisor in a patrol command for a CCRB investigation?
Platoon Commander
If none are available, then it must be the CO/DC
Who will be the Reviewing Supervisor for a CCRB report prepared by any MOS?
Supervisor who reviews the CCRB prepared by subordinate MOS.
*Reviewer must be at least One Rank higher than that MOS receiving the CCRB.
What will TS Operator do if he receives a complaint for a CCRB over the phone?
Transfer to DO, who will record pertinent details of allegation.
What are the steps an MOS will take to record a CCRB?
FADO is under CCRB jurisdiction.
1- Give CV CCRB Sheet
2-Fill out CCRB Statistical Sum Sheet
3-Call CCRB and get CCRB# or COD#
4-Call IAB get log # and put on top CCRB Sheet
Request CV to stay if: A. Requested by CCRB B. COD and CV homeless/transient Notify Investigating Supervisor if: A. ID Doubt of MOS B. COD and CV homeless/transient
5- Have CLE made
The Investigating Supervisor( SOL,ICO,Plt Comm) will investigate CCRB if?
1- Doubt exists of ID of accused MOS
2- COD# given and CV is homeless/transient
A-Notify CCRB of Investigation results
B-Record results on Statistical Sheet
D-Notify CO/DC if unable to ascertain MOS ID
Who will investigate/be notified regarding a CCRB against a civilian MOS for (FADO)?
IAB, who gets CCRB and Statistical Report
No parts of forms are forwarded to CCRB direct when it comes to civilians.
Who will transmit an Alarm on a Stolen Vehicle vía FINEST?
COP taking report
DO- Direct NYSPIN inquiry made via FINEST for accuracy and verify alarm
Comm Clerk- Check FINEST for alarm accuracy and enter verification in 61
If arrest made for GLA,
Cop- 2 attempts to notify C/V
DO- make 1 more attempt to notify CV
If cant reach CV, fax copies of Rept/Deposition forms to ADA