2.16. Urban Waste Flashcards
What is a waste stream?
The complete flow of waste from its domestic/ commercial or industrial source, through to recovery, recycling or final disposal
What is Municipal Solid Waste?
Solid domestic and commercial waste (normally associated with an urban area)
What is unregulated waste?
Waste that isn’t controlled or supervised by law
What is urban mining?
The process of recovering compounds and elements from products, buildings and waste which would otherwise be left to decompose in landfill sites
What is global trade waste?
The international trade of waste between countries for further treatment, disposal or recycling
What is energy from waste?
The generation of electricity and heat through the incineration of waste (energy recovery)
What is burial?
The placement of waste in man-made or natural excavations such as pits or landfill sites
What evidence is there that HICs produce more waste than LICs?
On average people in HICs produce 10-30 times more waste than those in LICs
What reasons are there for HICs producing more waste than LICs?
Disposable incomes and living standards are higher in HICs
What evidence is there that waste generation globally is growing exponentially?
Waste increases by 7% each year
Why is global waste generation growing exponentially?
Population growth
Economic development -> greater personal wealth increases consumption
What evidence is there that LICs produce less waste than NEEs
In 2010, LICs produced 219kg/capita/year of waste compared to lower NEEs with 288 kg/capita/year and 423 kg/capita/year
Why do LICs produce less waste than NEEs?
- LICs have less disposable income so can’t afford to buy products
- Increased urbanisation and deindustrialisation continues
What evidence is there that urban areas produce more waste than rural areas?
Urban residents produce about 2x as much waste as their rural counterparts
Why do urban areas produce more waste than rural areas?
Globally, rural dwellers are poorer so purchase fewer store bought items, recycle more
Fewer facilities