13a. emotion II Flashcards
what are some consequences of orbitofrontal/ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage?
- emotional disregulation
- disturbed social behavior
- poor decision making
- impulsivity
- normal fear conditioning
what is the OFC/VM prefrontal cortex a trigger for?
emotional states from secondary inducers
what is the result of VM lesions?
-interfere with generation of an emotional response from recall/imagery of emotional event
what is akinetic mutism
- patient makes no effort to communicate verbally or by gesture
- movements limited to eyes + arm/body movements related to necessary daily action
- speech is sparse (linguistically correct)
what is the insular cortex important for?
- holding representations of emotional states
- “feelings”, “what it feels like”
- valuation
what is anosognosia?
- denial of illness, failure to recognize illness
- apathy + placidity
what is pseudobulbar affect?
- pathalogic laughing + crying
- disinhibition/loss of control of effector structures in the brainstem
what can cause pseudobulbar affect
-strokes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple scerosis
what are psychomotor seizures?
- rage resulting in harming family members
- right medial temporal lobe (amygdala)
what is an example of a rage reaction with no visible seizure?
- sociopaths + serial murderers
- abnormalities in amygdala + prefrontal cortex
what is a an example of a acute/chrnonic neurologic disease causing rage reactions?
- herpes simplex ecephalitis,
- slow growing tumor of anteromeidal poriton of temporal lobe
3 types/causes of rage reactions/ violent behaviors/ agressivity
- psychomotor seizures
- no visible seizure
- acute/chronic neurologic disease
how are the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala related?
cognitive/social prefrontal cortex system controls (inhibits) innate/primitive amygdala system
what was the cause of Spyder’s violent murder of his wife?
-an arachnoid cyst occupying majority of left middle fossa (temporal region, amygdala)
what is acquired sociopathy?
- personality + decision making distrubances
- OFC/VM prefrontal cortex damage