02d. Energy system interplay Flashcards
The ATP-CP system will contribute most significantly when (provide two reasons)
- there has been sufficient recovery
- max intensity, short duration efforts
The anaerobic glycolysis system will contribute most significantly when (provide two reasons)
- insufficient recovery
- repeated high intensity efforts (85%MHR +)
The aerobic system will contribute most significantly when (provide two reasons)
- sufficient oxygen/sub max intenisty (below 85% MHR)
- after 30 seconds of activity
Which energy system contributes most signficantly when there has been sufficient recovery for max intensity, short duration efforts
Which energy system contributes most significantly when there is insufficient recovery and repeated high intensity efforts (85%MHR +)
Anaerobic glycolysis
Whicn energy system contributes most significantly when there is sufficient oxygen/sub max intenisty (below 85% MHR) and after 30 seconds of activity
What is meant by interplay?
All three energy systems are always contributing
Why is the aerobic system associated with longer durations?
Because it has a higher yield and it requires sufficient oxygen
What can the aerobic system do when contributing most significantly at rest after high intensity efforts?
Replenish CP stores
Why can’t the ATP-CP system be used for more than approx. 10 seconds?
Because it has a low yield
Why doesn’t the Anaerobic glycolysis contribute most significantly for long periods of time?
Because it has a low yield and fatiguing metabolic by products