02 PROTEINS: other proteins of clinical significance + plasma total protein abnormalities + methods of analysis Flashcards
The gold standard for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome
Cardiac troponin
A specific cardiac marker
Cardiac troponin
A family of structurally related hormones that increases during left ventricular myocardium
Natriuretic peptides
A glycoprotein composed of two nearly identical subunits
Helps predict the short-term risk of premature delivery
fetal fibronectin
Fetal fibronectin should not be detectable after ___ weeks
Detectable fetal fibronectin during ___ and ___ weeks is indicative of uroplacental junction disturbance and an increased risk of preterm labor and delivery
22 and 36
Proteolytic fragment of collagen I and a marker of bone resorption
Cross-linked C-telopeptides
Marker for CSF leakage
B-trace protein
Cysteine proteinase inhibitor
Cystatin C
Fibrous protein aggregates formed from the alteration of b-pleated sheathes
Reference value for total protein
6.5-8.3 g/dL
Reference value for albumin
3.5-5.5 g/dL
Reference A:G ratio
Identify the disease:
TP: low
Albumin: low
Globulin: normal
inadequate diet
nephrotic syndrome
In nephrotic syndrome, a2 and b-globulins are ___ and gamma globulins are ___
Identify the disease:
TP: low
Albumin: normal
Globulin: low
Immunodeficiency syndrome
Identify the disease:
TP: normal, low
Albumin: low
Globulin: high
hepatic damage
Identify the disease:
B-Y bridging
In hepatitis, the y-globulin is ___
In acute infection, these globulins are increased
a1, a2
In chronic infection, these globulins are increased
a1, a2, y
Polyclonal gammopathy is presented in ___ and ___
chronic infection
hepatic cirrhosis
Identify the disease:
TP: high
Albumin: high
Globulin: high
Identify the disease:
TP: high
Albumin: normal
Globulin: high
multiple myeloma
The immunoglobulin increased in multiple myeloma
The immunoglobulin increased in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
Reference method for total protein determination
Method of total protein determination that forms a violet-colored chelate between Cu2+ ions and peptide bonds
Dye used in biuret for albumin and globulin determination
Coomassie blue
The process of conversion of nitrogen to ammonie
A method of acid precipitation of protein with measurement of total nitrogen
A measurement of refractive index due to solutes in serum
The biuret method is measured at what wavelength?
540 nm
In biuret method, which reagent breaks the peptide bonds?
Cupric ions
In biuret method, which reagent keeps copper in solution?
Tartrate salt
In biuret method, which reagent stabilizes cupric ions?
Potassium iodide
Dyes that bind to protein and causes a spectral shift in the absorbance maximum of dye
Bromphenol blue
Ponceau S
Amido black 10B
Lissamine green
Coomassie brilliant blue
This method of protein determination uses phosphomolybdic acid or phenol reagent
In folin-ciocalteu method of protein determination, the oxidation of phenolic gives a ___ color
deep blue
Proteins that absorbs light at 280 nm
Tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine
Peptide bonds absorb light at ___ nm
These reagents precipitate proteins for the turbidimetric or nephelometric method of protein determination
Sulfosalicylic acid
Trichloroacetic acid
Identify the dye: (albumin)
Nonspecific for albumin
Methyl orange
Identify the dye: (albumin)
Many interferences such as salicylates and bilirubin
Identify the dye: (albumin)
Sensitive, most commonly used
BCG (bromcresol green)
Identify the dye: (albumin)
Specific, sensitive, precise
BCP (bromcresol purple)
Half-life of albumin
15-19 days
Total protein concentration is ___ proportional to the severity of liver disease
Prolonged torniquet application can cause false ___ in albumin levels
Reference value for albumin
53-65% (3.5-5 g/dL)
Reference value for a1-globulin
2.5-5% (0.1-0.3 g/dL)
Reference value for a2-globulin
7-13% (0.6-1.0 g/dL)
Reference value for b-globulin
8-14% (0.7-1.1 g/dL)
Reference value for y-globulin
12-22% (0.8-1.6 g/dL)
The use of plasma in total protein determination increases the result by ___ g/dL