010.10 FACILITATION (ICAO Annex 9) Flashcards
Contracting States shall establish measures to (withdraw/expedite) the inspection of crew members and their baggage.
Contracting States shall establish measures to (expedite) the inspection of crew members and their baggage, as required at departure and upon arrival.
If Contracting States issue Crew Member Certificates, then these shall be issued only in the form of (paper booklets/machine readable cards).
If Contracting States issue Crew Member Certificates, then these shall be issued only in the form of (machine readable cards).
Contracting States shall accept CMCs for visa-free entrance of crew members when arriving in (a) (duty/off-duty/both duty and off-duty) status on an international flight and seeking (temporary/permanent) entry for the period allowed by the receiving State.
Contracting States shall accept CMCs for visa-free entrance of crew members when arriving in a (duty) status on an international flight and seeking (temporary) entry for the period allowed by the receiving State.
The CMC was developed as a card for use for (…) purposes by crew members, leaving the crew licences to serve their primary purpose of attesting to the professional qualifications of the flight crew members.
The CMC was developed as a card for use for (identification) purposes by crew members, leaving the crew licences to serve their primary purpose of attesting to the professional qualifications of the flight crew members.
Contracting States (may/shall not) require visitors travelling by air, rightfully holding valid passports recognized by the receiving State and holding valid visas, where appropriate, to present any other document of identity.
Contracting States (shall not) require visitors travelling by air, rightfully holding valid passports recognized by the receiving State and holding valid visas, where appropriate, to present any other document of identity.
Contracting States (shall/shall not) require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at the end of their stay.
Contracting States (shall not) require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at the end of their stay.
ICAO regulations state contracting States shall issue a separate passport to each person, (over the age of) (2/4/6/regardless of age).
ICAO regulations state contracting States shall issue a separate passport to each person, (regardless of age).
Contracting States shall permit aircraft operators to forward mishandled baggage to the location of its owner and shall not hold aircraft operators liable for (which of the following → penalties, fines, import duties and taxes), on the basis that the baggage was mishandled.
Contracting States shall permit aircraft operators to forward mishandled baggage to the location of its owner and shall not hold aircraft operators liable for (penalties, fines, import duties and taxes, so all), on the basis that the baggage was mishandled.
Contracting States (should/shall) establish measures whereby in-transit passengers who are unexpectedly delayed due to a flight cancellation or delay may be allowed to leave the airport for the purpose of taking accommodations.
Contracting States (shall) establish measures whereby in-transit passengers who are unexpectedly delayed due to a flight cancellation or delay may be allowed to leave the airport for the purpose of taking accommodations.
Goods declared as personal effects and transported as unaccompanied baggage shall be (checked less restrictively/not allowed on flights/not allowed in the cargo hold/cleared under simplified arrangements).
Goods declared as personal effects and transported as unaccompanied baggage shall be (cleared under simplified arrangements) distinct from that normally applicable to other cargo.
During the period when an inadmissible passenger or a person to be deported is under their custody, the state Officers concerned (should/shall) preserve the dignity of such persons.
During the period when an inadmissible passenger or a person to be deported is under their custody, the state Officers concerned (shall) preserve the dignity of such persons and take no action likely to infringe such dignity.
Define an ‘**inadmissible person’.
A person who is or will be refused admission to a State by its authorities.
The (State/aircraft operator) shall be responsible for the cost of custody and care of an improperly documented person from the moment that person is found inadmissible and returned to the aircraft operator for removal from the State.
The (aircraft operator) shall be responsible for the cost of custody and care of an improperly documented person from the moment that person is found inadmissible and returned to the aircraft operator for removal from the State.
When a person is found inadmissible and is returned to the aircraft operator for transport away from the territory of the State, the aircraft operator (shall/shall not) be precluded from recovering from such person any transportation costs involved in his removal.
When a person is found inadmissible and is returned to the aircraft operator for transport away from the territory of the State, the aircraft operator (shall not) be precluded from recovering from such person any transportation costs involved in his removal.
The aircraft operator shall remove the inadmissible person to:
a) (…); or
b) to any place where he is admissible.
The aircraft operator shall remove the inadmissible person to:
a) (the point where he commenced his journey); or
b) to any place where he is admissible.
A pilot can land in (the) (state which he is currently overflying/state of departure/any state/state of unruly passenger’s residence) to transfer an unruly passenger to the competent autorities.
A pilot can land in (any state) to transfer an unruly passenger to the competent autorities.
A general declaration is an internationally recognised form which contains details of the aircraft and flight. It needs to be signed by (the operator/ATC/the PIC/the PIC or an authorised agent).
A general declaration is an internationally recognised form which contains details of the aircraft and flight. It needs to be signed by (the PIC or an authorised agent).