010.07 ATS and ATM .02.13 + .02.14 + .02.15 (more separation, arr. and dep. aircraft) Flashcards
.02.13 Separation in the vicinity of aerodromes (ADs) .02.14 Miscellaneous separation procedures .02.15 Arriving and departing aircraft
Essential local traffic consists of any aircraft, vehicle or personnel on or near the runway to be used, or traffic in the take-off and climb-out area or the final approach area, which may (…).
Essential local traffic consists of any aircraft, vehicle or personnel on or near the runway to be used, or traffic in the take-off and climb-out area or the final approach area, which may (constitute a collision hazard to a departing or arriving aircraft).
Departing aircraft may be expedited by suggesting a take-off direction which is not into the wind. It is the responsibility of the (ATC unit/operator/pilot flying/PIC) to decide between making such a take-off or waiting for take-off in a preferred direction.
Departing aircraft may be expedited by suggesting a take-off direction which is not into the wind. It is the responsibility of the (PIC) to decide between making such a take-off or waiting for take-off in a preferred direction.
Clearance for an IFR flight to execute a visual approach may be requested/initiated by (a flight crew/a controller/both).
Clearance for an IFR flight to execute a visual approach may be requested/initiated by (a flight crew or a controller, so both).
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the (…) and:
a) the reported ceiling is at or above (1 000 ft / 1 500 ft / (M)DA / the level of the beginning of the initial approach segment); or
b) the pilot reports at the level of the beginning of the initial approach segment or at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable assurance a visual approach and landing can be completed.
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the (terrain) and:
a) the reported ceiling is at or above (the level of the beginning of the initial approach segment); or
b) the pilot reports at the level of the beginning of the initial approach segment or at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable assurance a visual approach and landing can be completed.
Separation (shall/shall not) be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual approach and other arriving and departing aircraft.
Separation (shall) be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual approach and other arriving and departing aircraft.
When the flight crew are not familiar with the instrument approach procedure being carried out, ATC can give them only the final approach track in case it is to be cleared for (…).
When the flight crew are not familiar with the instrument approach procedure being carried out, ATC can give them only the final approach track in case it is to be cleared for (a straight-in approach).
Normally, the first aircraft to arrive over a holding fix or visual holding location should be at the (highest/lowest) level, with following aircraft at successively (higher/lower) levels.
Normally, the first aircraft to arrive over a holding fix or visual holding location should be at the (lowest) level, with following aircraft at successively (higher) levels.
Put the following into the right sequence from high to low landing priority:
- a regular KLM flight
- aircraft carrying a seriously injured person requiring urgent medical attention
- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations
- an aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting the safe operation of the aircraft (engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc.)
- an aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting the safe operation of the aircraft
- aircraft carrying a seriously injured person
- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations
- a regular KLM flight
If the pilot of an aircraft in an approach sequence has indicated an intention to hold for weather improvement, or for other reasons, such action (may/shall) be approved. I (may/shall/will not) be placed on top of the approach sequence so other aircraft may be permitted to land.
If the pilot of an aircraft in an approach sequence has indicated an intention to hold for weather improvement, or for other reasons, such action (shall) be approved. I (may) be placed on top of the approach sequence so other aircraft may be permitted to land.
An expected approach time (EAT) shall be determined for an arriving aircraft that will be subjected to a delay of (…) minutes or more.
An expected approach time (EAT) shall be determined for an arriving aircraft that will be subjected to a delay of (10) minutes or more.
A revised EAT shall be transmitted to the aircraft without delay whenever it differs from that previously transmitted by (…) minutes or more.
A revised EAT shall be transmitted to the aircraft without delay whenever it differs from that previously transmitted by (5) minutes or more.
An EAT shall be transmitted to the aircraft by the most expeditious means whenever it is anticipated that the aircraft will be required to hold for (…) minutes or more.
An EAT shall be transmitted to the aircraft by the most expeditious means whenever it is anticipated that the aircraft will be required to hold for (30) minutes or more.
(…) minute(s) separation required if aircraft are to fly on tracks diverging by at least 45 degrees immediately after take-off so that lateral separation is provided.
(1) minute(s) separation is required if aircraft are to fly on tracks diverging by at least 45 degrees immediately after take-off so that lateral separation is provided.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
(…) minute(s) required between take-offs when the preceding aircraft is 40 kt or more faster than the following aircraft and both aircraft will follow the same track.
(2) minute(s) required between take-offs when the preceding aircraft is 40 kt or more faster than the following aircraft and both aircraft will follow the same track.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
(…) minute(s) separation required while vertical separation does not exist if a departing aircraft will be flown through the level of a preceding departing aircraft and both aircraft propose to follow the same track. Action must be taken to ensure that the separation will be maintained or increased while vertical separation does not exist.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf

(5) minute(s) separation required while vertical separation does not exist if a departing aircraft will be flown through the level of a preceding departing aircraft and both aircraft propose to follow the same track. Action must be taken to ensure that the separation will be maintained or increased while vertical separation does not exist.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
If an arriving aircraft is making a straight-in approach, a departing aircraft may take off:
a) in any direction until (…) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the instrument runway;
b) in a direction which is different by at least (…) degrees from the reciprocal of the direction of approach of the arriving aircraft:
1) until (…) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the beginning of the instrument runway; or
2) before the arriving aircraft crosses a designated fix on the approach track; the location of such fix to be determined by the appropriate ATS authority after consultation with the operators.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
If an arriving aircraft is making a straight-in approach, a departing aircraft may take off:
a) in any direction until (5) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the instrument runway;
b) in a direction which is different by at least (45) degrees from the reciprocal of the direction of approach of the arriving aircraft:
1) until (3) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the beginning of the instrument runway; or
2) before the arriving aircraft crosses a designated fix on the approach track; the location of such fix to be determined by the appropriate ATS authority after consultation with the operators.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
If an arriving aircraft is making a complete instrument approach, a departing aircraft may take off:
a) in any direction until an arriving aircraft has started its procedure turn or base turn leading to final approach;
b) in a direction which is different by at least (…) degrees from the reciprocal of the direction of approach after the arriving aircraft has started procedure turn or base turn leading to final approach, provided that the take-off will be made at least (…) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the beginning of the instrument runway.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
If an arriving aircraft is making a complete instrument approach, a departing aircraft may take off:
a) in any direction until an arriving aircraft has started its procedure turn or base turn leading to final approach;
b) in a direction which is different by at least (45) degrees from the reciprocal of the direction of approach after the arriving aircraft has started procedure turn or base turn leading to final approach, provided that the take-off will be made at least (3) minutes before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the beginning of the instrument runway.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
Essential traffic information shall be given to controlled flights concerned whenever (…).
Essential traffic information shall be given to controlled flights concerned whenever (they are essential traffic to each other).
Separation minima may be reduced in the vicinity of aerodromes if (…).
Separation minima may be reduced in the vicinity of aerodromes if (the pilot(s) report having the other aircraft in sight and seperation can be maintained or the aircraft are continuously visible to the aerodrome controller).
As early as practicable after an aircraft has established communication with the unit providing approach control service, the following shall be transmitted to the aircraft:
a) (…) and (…)-in-use;
b) (…);
c) current (…), in case of precipitants or other temporary hazards;
d) changes in the (…) of visual and non-visual aids essential for approach and landing.
As early as practicable after an aircraft has established communication with the unit providing approach control service, the following shall be transmitted to the aircraft:
a) (type of approach) and (runway)-in-use;
b) (meteorological information);
c) current (runway surface conditions), in case of precipitants or other temporary hazards;
d) changes in the (operational status) of visual and non-visual aids essential for approach and landing.
At the commencement of final approach, the following information shall be transmitted to aircraft:
a) (any/minor/significant) changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed;
b) the latest information, if any, on wind shear and/or turbulence in the final approach area;
c) the current visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing or, when provided, the current RVR value(s) and the trend.
At the commencement of final approach, the following information shall be transmitted to aircraft:
a) (significant) changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed;
b) the latest information, if any, on wind shear and/or turbulence in the final approach area;
c) the current visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing or, when provided, the current runway visual range value(s) and the trend.
‘Significant’ changer in mean surface wind direction and speed in the final approach are:
— Mean headwind component: (…) kt
— Mean tailwind component: (…) kt
— Mean crosswind component: (…) kt
‘Significant’ changer in mean surface wind direction and speed in the final approach are:
— Mean headwind component: (10) kt
— Mean tailwind component: (2) kt
— Mean crosswind component: (5) kt
During final approach, the following information shall be transmitted without delay:
a) the sudden occurrence of hazards (e.g. (…) );
b) (any/minor/significant) variations in the current surface wind, expressed in terms of minimum and maximum values;
c) (any/minor/significant) changes in runway surface conditions;
d) changes in the operational status of required visual or non-visual aids;
e) changes in observed RVR value(s), in accordance with the reported scale in use, or changes in the visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing.
During final approach, the following information shall be transmitted without delay:
a) the sudden occurrence of hazards (e.g. (unauthorized traffic on the runway) );
b) (significant) variations in the current surface wind, expressed in terms of minimum and maximum values;
c) (significant) changes in runway surface conditions;
d) changes in the operational status of required visual or non-visual aids;
e) changes in observed RVR value(s), in accordance with the reported scale in use, or changes in the visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing.
Independent IFR departures may be conducted from parallel runways provided:
a) the runway centre lines are spaced by the distance specified in -another card deck-;
b) the departure tracks diverge by at least (…) degrees immediately after take-off;
c) suitable surveillance radar capable of identification of the aircraft within (…) NM from the end of the runway is available; and
d) ATS operational procedures ensure that the required track divergence is achieved.
Independent IFR departures may be conducted from parallel runways provided:
a) the runway centre lines are spaced by the distance specified in -another card deck-;
b) the departure tracks diverge by at least (15) degrees immediately after take-off;
c) suitable surveillance radar capable of identification of the aircraft within (1) NM from the end of the runway is available; and
d) ATS operational procedures ensure that the required track divergence is achieved.
Independent parallel approach:
When vectoring to intercept the ILS localizer course, the final vector shall enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizer course at an angle not greater than (…) degrees (for other approaches, this can be maximum (…) degrees) and to provide at least (…) NM straight and level flight prior to ILS LOCALIZER course intercept.
The vector shall also enable the aircraft to be established on the ILS localizer course in level flight for at least (…) NM prior to intercepting the ILS GLIDE PATH.
Independent parallel approach:
When vectoring to intercept the ILS localizer course, the final vector shall enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizer course at an angle not greater than (30) degrees (for other approaches, this can be maximum (45) degrees) and to provide at least (1) NM straight and level flight prior to ILS LOCALIZER course intercept.
The vector shall also enable the aircraft to be established on the ILS localizer course in level flight for at least (2) NM prior to intercepting the ILS GLIDE PATH.
A minimum of (…) ft vertical separation or a minimum of (…) NM radar separation shall be provided until aircraft are established:
a) inbound on the ILS localizer course; and
b) within the normal operating zone (NOZ).
A minimum of (1 000) ft vertical separation or a minimum of (3) NM radar separation shall be provided until aircraft are established:
a) inbound on the ILS localizer course; and
b) within the normal operating zone (NOZ).
A minimum of (…) NM radar separation shall be provided between aircraft on the same ILS localizer course, unless increased longitudinal separation is required due to wake turbulence or for other reasons.
A minimum of (3) NM radar separation shall be provided between aircraft on the same ILS localizer course, unless increased longitudinal separation is required due to wake turbulence or for other reasons.
Dependent parallel approach:
A minimum of (…) ft vertical separation or a minimum of (…) NM radar separation shall be provided between aircraft during turn-on to parallel ILS localizer courses.
Dependent parallel approach:
A minimum of (1 000) ft vertical separation or a minimum of (3) NM radar separation shall be provided between aircraft during turn-on to parallel ILS localizer courses.
Dependent parallel approach:
The minimum radar separation to be provided between aircraft established on the ILS localizer course shall be:
a) (…) NM between aircraft on the same ILS localizer course unless increased longitudinal separation is required due to wake turbulence; and
b) (…) NM between successive aircraft on adjacent ILS localizer courses.
source: https://mediawiki.ivao.aero/index.php?title=Parallel_runway_operations

Dependent parallel approach:
The minimum radar separation to be provided between aircraft established on the ILS localizer course shall be:
a) (3) NM between aircraft on the same ILS localizer course unless increased longitudinal separation is required due to wake turbulence; and
b) (2) NM between successive aircraft on adjacent ILS localizer courses.
source: https://mediawiki.ivao.aero/index.php?title=Parallel_runway_operations

Segregated parallel operations may be conducted on parallel runways provided:
a) the runway centre lines are spaced by the distance specified in -another card deck- ; and
b) the nominal departure track diverges immediately after take-off by at least (…) degrees from the missed approach track of the adjacent approach.
Segregated parallel operations may be conducted on parallel runways provided:
a) the runway centre lines are spaced by the distance specified in -another card deck- ; and
b) the nominal departure track diverges immediately after take-off by at least (30) degrees from the missed approach track of the adjacent approach.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
The minimum distance between parallel runway centre lines for segregated parallel operations may be decreased by 30 m for each (…) m that the arrival runway is staggered (toward/away from) the arriving aircraft, to a minimum of 300 m and should be increased by 30 m for each (…) m that the arrival runway is staggered (toward/away from) the arriving aircraft.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf

The minimum distance (usually 760 m) between parallel runway centre lines for segregated parallel operations may be decreased by 30 m for each (150) m that the arrival runway is staggered (toward) the arriving aircraft, to a minimum of 300 m and should be increased by 30 m for each (150) m that the arrival runway is staggered (away from) the arriving aircraft.
source: https://ops.group/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ICAO-Doc4444-Pans-Atm-16thEdition-2016-OPSGROUP.pdf
The minimum radar separation provided between aircraft established on the same localiser course, disregarding additional longitudinal separation as required for wake turbulence, shall be (2/2.5/3/5) NM.
The minimum radar separation provided between aircraft established on the same localiser course, disregarding additional longitudinal separation as required for wake turbulence, shall be (2.5) NM.
Beween an aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land and an aircraft intending to depart from the same or an intersecting runway, the aircraft (landing/departing) shall normally have priority over the other.
Beween an aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land and an aircraft intending to depart from the same or an intersecting runway, the aircraft (landing) shall normally have priority over the other.