Define the term ‘cross country’
A flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a preplanned route, using standard navigation procedures.
Define the term ‘class of aeroplane’
A categorisation of single-pilot aeroplanes not requiring a type rating.
Define the term ‘type of aircraft’
A categorisation of aircraft requiring a type rating
Define the term ‘flight time’
The total time from the moment an aircraft first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.
- block-to-block -
Define the term ‘SPIC’
Student pilot-in-command. A student pilot acting as pilot-in-command on a flight with an instructor where the latter will only observe the student pilot and shall not influence or control the flight of the aircraft.
Define the term ‘night’
The period between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight.
Define the term ‘proficiency check’
The demonstration of skill to REVALIDATE OR RENEW ratings, and including such oral examination as may be required.
Define the term ‘skill test’
The demonstration of skill for a licence or rating ISSUE, including such oral examination as may be required.
Define the term ‘MCC’
The functioning of the flight crew as a team of cooperating members led by the pilot-in-command.
Define the term ‘MPA’
Multi-pilot aircraft. Aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots.
Define the term ‘compotent authority’ for the purpose of Part FCL
An authority designated by THE MEMBER STATE to whom a person applies for the issue of pilot licences or associated ratings or certificates.
The two factors which are relevant to the excercise of teh privileges of a license are
- (…)
- (…)
The two factors which are relevant to the excercise of teh privileges of a license are
- (the validity of ratings)
- (the validity, if applicable, of the medical certificate)
A person shall NOT act as PIC of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport after reaching the age of (58/60/64/65)
A person shall NOT act as PIC of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport after reaching the age of (65)
- so one can act as PIC engaged in CAT up and until the age of 64 -
Define the restriction of a licence holder aged 60 years or more
The holder of a pilot licence who has attained the age of 60 years shall not act as a pilot of an aircraft engaged in commercial air transport except as a member of a multi-pilot crew where he is the only member of >=60.
Name three documents which a pilot excercising the privilieges of a licence is required to carry
a) valid license and medical certificate
b) personal identification document
c) flight time record
* d) a student pilot shall also carry solo cross-country flights evidence*
Applicants for a CPL shall be at least (…) years of age.
Applicants for an ATPL shall be at least (…) years of age.
An applicant for an MPL shall be at least (…) years of age
Applicants for a CPL shall be at least (18) years of age.
Applicants for an ATPL shall be at least (21) years of age.
An applicant for an MPL shall be at least (18) years of age
CPL Integrated
The flying training, not including type rating training, shall comprise a total of at least (…) hours, of which up to (…) hours may be instrument ground time. (…) hours are to be carried out in an aeroplane certificated for the carriage of at least four persons that has a variable pitch propeller and retractable landing gear.
CPL Integrated
The flying training, not including type rating training, shall comprise a total of at least (150) hours, of which up to (5) hours may be instrument ground time. (5) hours are to be carried out in an aeroplane certificated for the carriage of at least four persons that has a variable pitch propeller and retractable landing gear.
The privileges of the holder of a CPL are, within the appropriate aircraft category, to:
(1) exercise all the privileges of the holder of (…)
(2) act as PIC or co-pilot of (…);
(3) act as PIC in commercial air transport of any single-pilot aircraft subject to the restrictions specified in FCL.060 and in this Subpart;
(4) act as co-pilot in commercial air transport subject to the restrictions specified in FCL.060.
The privileges of the holder of a CPL are, within the appropriate aircraft category, to:
(1) exercise all the privileges of the holder of (LAPL and PPL)
(2) act as PIC or co-pilot of (any aircraft engaged in operations OTHER THAN commercial air transport);
(3) act as PIC in commercial air transport of any single-pilot aircraft subject to the restrictions specified in FCL.060 and in this Subpart;
(4) act as co-pilot in commercial air transport subject to the restrictions specified in FCL.060.
The privileges of the holder of an ATPL are, within the appropriate aircraft category, to:
(1) exercise all the privileges of the holder of (…);
(2) act as PIC of aircraft (…).
The privileges of the holder of an ATPL are, within the appropriate aircraft category, to:
(1) exercise all the privileges of the holder of an (LAPL, a PPL and a CPL);
(2) act as PIC of aircraft (engaged in commercial air transport).
Prerequisites. Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall hold:
(1) an MPL; or
(2) (…)
Prerequisites. Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall hold:
(1) an MPL; or
(2) (a CPL/IR(A) and instruction in MCC)
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum of (…) hours of flight time in aeroplanes
Of the total hours of flight time, up to (…) hours of flight time may have been completed in an FFS and FNPT. Of these 100 hours, only a maximum of (…) hours may be completed in an FNPT.
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum of (1 500) hours of flight time in aeroplanes.
Of the total hours of flight time, up to (100) hours of flight time may have been completed in an FFS and FNPT. Of these 100 hours, only a maximum of (25) hours may be completed in an FNPT.
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(1) (…) hours in multi-pilot operations on aeroplanes;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(1) (500) hours in multi-pilot operations on aeroplanes;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(2) (i) (…) hours as PIC under supervision; or
(ii) (…) hours as PIC; or
(iii) (…) hours, including at least (…) hours as PIC, and the remaining as PIC under supervision;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(2) (i) (500) hours as PIC under supervision; or
(ii) (250) hours as PIC; or
(iii) (250) hours, including at least (70) hours as PIC, and the remaining as PIC under supervision;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(3) (…) hours of cross-country flight time of which at least (…) hours shall be as PIC or as PIC under supervision;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(3) (200) hours of cross-country flight time of which at least (100) hours shall be as PIC or as PIC under supervision;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(4) (…) hours of instrument time of which not more than (…) hours may be instrument ground time;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(4) (75) hours of instrument time of which not more than (30) hours may be instrument ground time;
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(5) (…) hours of night flight as PIC or co-pilot.
Applicants for an ATPL(A) shall have completed a minimum hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least:
Amongst others:
(5) (100) hours of night flight as PIC or co-pilot.
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(a) (…) hours of dual instruction, of which up to (…) hours may be instrument ground time;
(b) (…) hours as PIC;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(a) (80) hours of dual instruction, of which up to (5) hours may be instrument ground time;
(b) (70) hours as PIC;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(c) (…) hours of cross-country flight as PIC, including a VFR cross-country flight of at least (… NM), in the course of which full stop landings at two aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(c) (20) hours of cross-country flight as PIC, including a VFR cross-country flight of at least (300 NM), in the course of which full stop landings at two aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(d) (…) hours flight time shall be completed at night, comprising 3 hours of dual instruction, which shall include at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and (…) solo take-offs and (…) solo full stop landings;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(d) (5) hours flight time shall be completed at night, comprising 3 hours of dual instruction, which shall include at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and (5) solo take-offs and (5) solo full stop landings;
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(e) (…) hours of instrument flight instruction, of which up to (…) hours may be instrument ground time in an FNPT I, FTD 2, FNPT II or FFS.
Within the total hours required for an integrated CPL(A), an applicant needs, amongst others, at least:
(e) (10) hours of instrument flight instruction, of which up to (5) hours may be instrument ground time in an FNPT I, FTD 2, FNPT II or FFS.
The period of validity of class ratings shall be (…) year(s) from the date (of skill test/of issue/ of applicaton received by authority)
The period of validity of class ratings shall be (1) year(s) from the date (of issue)
The period of validity of type ratings shall be (…) year(s) from the date (of skill test/of issue/ of applicaton received by authority)
The period of validity of type ratings shall be (1) year from the date (of issue)
The period of validity of single-pilot single-engine class ratings shall be (…) year(s)
The period of validity of single-pilot single-engine class ratings shall be (2) year(s)
Administrative action taken WITHIN THE PERIOD OF VALIDITY of a rating or certificate to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or certificate is called (extension/renewal/prolongation/revalidation)
Administrative action taken WITHIN THE PERIOD OF VALIDITY of a rating or certificate to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or certificate is called (revalidation)
Administrative action taken AFTER THE PERIOD OF VALIDITY of a rating or certificate to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or certificate is called (extension/renewal/prolongation/revalidation)
Administrative action taken AFTER THE PERIOD OF VALIDITY of a rating or certificate to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or certificate is called (renewal)
An instrument rating (IR) is valid for (…) year(s) from the date (of skill test/of issue/ of applicaton received by authority)
An instrument rating (IR) is valid for (1) year(s) from the date (of issue)
If a class or type rating has expired, the applicant shall;
(1) (…), when necessary to reach the level of proficiency necessary to safely operate the relevant class or type of aircraft; and
(2) pass a (…).
If a class or type rating has expired, the applicant shall;
(1) (take refresher training at an ATO), when necessary to reach the level of proficiency necessary to safely operate the relevant class or type of aircraft; and
(2) pass a (proficiency check).
The amount of refresher training needed for renewal of class and type ratings should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ATO, taking into account the following factors:
(1) the experience of the applicant;
(2) the complexity of the aircraft;
(3) the amount of time lapsed since the expiry of the validity period of the rating:
(i) expiry < 3 months: no supplementary requirements;
(ii) expiry > 3 months but < 1 year: a minimum of (…) training sessions;
(iii) expiry > 1 year but < 3 years: a minimum of (…) training sessions;
(iv) expiry longer > 3 years: (…)
The amount of refresher training needed for renewal of class and type ratings should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ATO, taking into account the following factors:
(1) the experience of the applicant;
(2) the complexity of the aircraft;
(3) the amount of time lapsed since the expiry of the validity period of the rating:
(i) expiry < 3 months: no supplementary requirements;
(ii) expiry > 3 months but < 1 year: a minimum of (two) training sessions;
(iii) expiry > 1 year but < 3 years: a minimum of (three) training sessions;
(iv) expiry longer > 3 years: (the applicant should again undergo the training required for the INITIAL issue of the rating)
Applicants for an IR shall hold:
(1) at least a PPL in the appropriate aircraft category, and:
(i) (…); or
(ii) an ATPL in another category of aircraft; or
(2) (…), in the appropriate aircraft category;
Applicants for an IR shall hold:
(1) at least a PPL in the appropriate aircraft category, and:
(i) (the privileges to fly at night if the IR privileges will be used at night); or
(ii) an ATPL in another category of aircraft; or
(2) (a CPL), in the appropriate aircraft category;
Applicants for an IR shall have completed at least (…) hours of cross-country flight time as PIC in aeroplanes, TMGs, helicopters or airships, of which at least (…) shall be in the relevant aircraft category.
Applicants for an IR shall have completed at least (50) hours of cross-country flight time as PIC in aeroplanes, TMGs, helicopters or airships, of which at least (10) shall be in the relevant aircraft category.
Applicants for an aerobatic rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (20/30/40/50) hours of flight time or, in the case of sailplanes, 120 launches as PIC in the appropriate aircraft category, completed after the issue of the licence;
(2) a training course at an ATO, including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction appropriate for the rating;
(ii) at least (5/10/15/20) hours or (10/20/30/40) flights of aerobatic instruction in the appropriate aircraft category.
Applicants for an aerobatic rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (40) hours of flight time or, in the case of sailplanes, 120 launches as PIC in the appropriate aircraft category, completed after the issue of the licence;
(2) a training course at an ATO, including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction appropriate for the rating;
(ii) at least (5) hours or (20) flights of aerobatic instruction in the appropriate aircraft category.
Applicants for a sailplane towing rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (20/30/40/50) hours of flight time as PIC and (30/40/50/60) take-offs and landings in aeroplanes, if the activity is to be carried out in aeroplanes, or in TMGs, if the activity is to be carried out in TMGs, completed after the issue of the licence; (2) a training course at an ATO including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction on towing operations and procedures;
(ii) at least (5/10/15/20) instruction flights towing a sailplane, including at least 5 dual instruction flights; and
(iii) except for holders of an LAPL(S) or an SPL, (3/5/10/12) familiarisation flights in a sailplane which is launched by an aircraft.
Applicants for a sailplane towing rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (30) hours of flight time as PIC and (60) take-offs and landings in aeroplanes, if the activity is to be carried out in aeroplanes, or in TMGs, if the activity is to be carried out in TMGs, completed after the issue of the licence; (2) a training course at an ATO including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction on towing operations and procedures;
(ii) at least (10) instruction flights towing a sailplane, including at least 5 dual instruction flights; and
(iii) except for holders of an LAPL(S) or an SPL, (5) familiarisation flights in a sailplane which is launched by an aircraft.
Applicants for a banner towing rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (50/75/100/150) hours of flight time and (100/150/200/250) take-offs and landings as PIC on aeroplanes or TMG, after the issue of the licence. At least 30 of these hours shall be in aeroplanes, if the activity is to be carried out in aeroplanes, or in TMG, if the activity is to be carried out in TMGs;
(2) a training course at an ATO including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction on towing operations and procedures;
(ii) at least (10/15/20/25) instruction flights towing a banner, including at least 5 dual flights.
Applicants for a banner towing rating shall have completed:
(1) at least (100) hours of flight time and (200) take-offs and landings as PIC on aeroplanes or TMG, after the issue of the licence. At least 30 of these hours shall be in aeroplanes, if the activity is to be carried out in aeroplanes, or in TMG, if the activity is to be carried out in TMGs;
(2) a training course at an ATO including:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction on towing operations and procedures;
(ii) at least (10) instruction flights towing a banner, including at least 5 dual flights.
If the privileges of an LAPL, an SPL or a PPL for aeroplanes, TMGs or airships are to be exercised in VFR conditions at night, applicants shall have completed a training course at an ATO. The course shall comprise:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction;
(ii) at least (5/10/15/20) hours of flight time in the appropriate aircraft category at night, including at least 3 hours of dual instruction, including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation with at least one dual cross- country flight of at least (12/20/27/35 NM) and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full-stop landings.
Before completing the training at night, LAPL holders shall have completed the basic instrument flight training required for the issue of the PPL.
If the privileges of an LAPL, an SPL or a PPL for aeroplanes, TMGs or airships are to be exercised in VFR conditions at night, applicants shall have completed a training course at an ATO. The course shall comprise:
(i) theoretical knowledge instruction;
(ii) at least (5) hours of flight time in the appropriate aircraft category at night, including at least 3 hours of dual instruction, including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation with at least one dual cross- country flight of at least (27 NM) and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full-stop landings.
Before completing the training at night, LAPL holders shall have completed the basic instrument flight training required for the issue of the PPL.
A mountain rating shall be valid for a period of (6/12/24/36) months.
A mountain rating shall be valid for a period of (24) months.
Applicants for the first issue of a flight test rating shall:
(1) hold at least a CPL and an IR in the appropriate aircraft category;
(2) have completed at least (500/750/1 000/1500) hours of flight time in the appropriate aircraft category, of which at least (200/400/500/750) hours as PIC;
(3) have completed a training course at an ATO appropriate to the intended aircraft and category of flights.
Applicants for the first issue of a flight test rating shall:
(1) hold at least a CPL and an IR in the appropriate aircraft category;
(2) have completed at least (1 000) hours of flight time in the appropriate aircraft category, of which at least (400) hours as PIC;
(3) have completed a training course at an ATO appropriate to the intended aircraft and category of flights.
Class 1 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of (…) months.
It will be reduced to (…) months for licence holders who:
(i) are engaged in single-pilot commercial air transport operations carrying passengers and have reached the age of 40;
(ii) have reached the age of 60.
Class 1 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of (12) months.
It will be reduced to (6) months for licence holders who:
(i) are engaged in single-pilot commercial air transport operations carrying passengers and have reached the age of 40;
(ii) have reached the age of 60.
Class 2 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) (…) months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40;
(ii) (…) months, for licence holders aged between 40 and 50;
(iii) (…) months, for licence holders aged above 50.
Class 2 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) (60) months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40;
(ii) (24) months, for licence holders aged between 40 and 50;
(iii) (12) months, for licence holders aged above 50.
LAPL medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) (…) months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40;
(ii) (…) months, for licence holders aged above 40.
LAPL medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) (60) months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40;
(ii) (24) months, for licence holders aged above 40.
One can make a proficiency check for a revalidation of a class or type rating (…) month(s) in advance
One can make a proficiency check for a revalidation of a class or type rating (3) month(s) in advance
The duration of the period of currency of a medical assesment shall begin on the date (…)
The duration of the period of currency of a medical assesment shall begin on the date (the medical assessment is issued)
A commercial pilot licence (CPL), a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) or an airline transport pilot licence (ATPL), the pilot shall hold a valid (…) medical certificate.
A commercial pilot licence (CPL), a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) or an airline transport pilot licence (ATPL), the pilot shall hold a valid (class 1) medical certificate.
A medical certificate can be revalidated up to (21 days/45 days/3 months/6 months) before the certificate’s expiry date
A medical certificate can be revalidated up to (45 days) before the certificate’s expiry date
If a licence holder is aware of any decrease in their medical fitness which might render them unable to safely exercise the privileges of the license, he shall stop exercising the privileges of the licence (immediately/within 7 days/within 14 days/within 21 days)
If a licence holder is aware of any decrease in their medical fitness which might render them unable to safely exercise the privileges of the license, he shall stop exercising the privileges of the licence (immediately)
If a licence holder has been admitted to hospital for any given period, he shall seek the advice of the AME (without undue delay/within 7 days/within 14 days/within 21 days)
If a licence holder has been admitted to hospital for any given period, he shall seek the advice of the AME (without undue delay)
Limitations to a Class 1 medical certificate should only be removed by (the licensing authority/AME)
Limitations to a Class 1 medical certificate should only be removed by (the licensing authority)
Limitations to a LAPL medical certificate may be removed by (the licensing authority/AME)
Limitations to a LAPL medical certificate may be removed by the (AME)