010.06 AIRCRAFT OPS .05 + .06 (holding and altimeter settings) Flashcards
.05 Holding procedures - ICAO Doc 8168, Volume I .06 Altimeter-setting procedures - ICAO Doc 8168
Deviations from the in-flight procedures of a holding are dangerous because a pilot could (lose control of the aircraft/lose contact with ATC/descend below approach minima/lose obstacle clearance).
Deviations from the in-flight procedures of a holding are dangerous because a pilot could (lose obstacle clearance).
If for any reason a pilot is unable to conform to the holding procedures of a particular holding pattern, he should (follow comms failure procedures/advise ATC as early as possible/execute a non-standard holding pattern/stay clear of the holding area by at least 5 NM)
If for any reason a pilot is unable to conform to the holding procedures of a particular holding pattern, he should (advise ATC as early as possible)
Holding A is a (standard right turn holding pattern / VOR/DME-holding towards the station / VOR/DME-holding away from the station).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Holding A is a (standard right turn holding pattern).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Holding B is a (standard right turn holding pattern / VOR/DME-holding towards the station / VOR/DME-holding away from the station).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Holding B is a (VOR/DME-holding towards the station).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Holding C is a (standard right turn holding pattern / VOR/DME-holding towards the station / VOR/DME-holding away from the station).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Holding C is a (VOR/DME-holding away from the station).
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
All turns are to be made at a bank angle of (…)° or at a rate of (…)° per second, whichever requires (more/the lesser bank).
All turns are to be made at a bank angle of (25)° or at a rate of (3)° per second, whichever requires (the lesser bank).
Sector 1 procedure in the attachment is a (direct/offset/parallel) entry.
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Sector 1: parallel entry
Sector 2: offset entry
Sector 3: direct entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Sector 2 procedure in the attachment is a (direct/offset/parallel) entry.
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Sector 1: parallel entry
Sector 2: offset entry
Sector 3: direct entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Sector 3 procedure in the attachment is a (direct/offset/parallel) entry.
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
Sector 1: parallel entry
Sector 2: offset entry
Sector 3: direct entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
The holding procedure entry described is a (direct/parallel/offset) entry.
- a) at the fix, the aircraft is turned left onto an outbound heading for the appropriate period of time; then*
- b) the aircraft is turned left onto the holding side to intercept the inbound track or to return to the fix; and then*
- c) on second arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the holding pattern.*
Parallel entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
The holding procedure entry described is a (direct/parallel/offset) entry.
- a) at the fix, the aircraft is turned onto a heading to make good a track making an angle of 30° from the reciprocal of the inbound track on the holding side; then*
- b) the aircraft will fly outbound:*
- 1) for the appropriate period of time, where timing is specified; or*
- 2) until the appropriate limiting DME distance is reached, where distance is specified.*
- c) the aircraft is turned right to intercept the inbound holding track; and d) on second arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the holding pattern.*
Offset entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
The holding procedure entry described is a (direct/parallel/offset) entry.
Having reached the fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the holding pattern.
Direct entry
source: http://www.chcheli.com/sites/default/files/icao_doc_8168_vol_1.pdf
All holding procedures depict tracks. Pilots should attempt to maintain the track by making allowance for known wind by applying corrections both to (… and …). This should be done during entry and while flying in the holding pattern.
All holding procedures depict tracks. Pilots should attempt to maintain the track by making allowance for known wind by applying corrections both to (heading and timing). This should be done during entry and while flying in the holding pattern.
A published holding procedure has an inbound track of 052°(M). You are approaching the fix on Magnetic Track 232° (no wind). The appropriate entry procedure is (offset/parallel/direct).
A published holding procedure has an inbound track of 052°(M). You are approaching the fix on Magnetic Track 232° (no wind). The appropriate entry procedure is (either offset or parallel).
- place your hand like in the attachment, put your index on the inbound track. If you are approaching between the thumb and index, it is an offset entry, between index and extended line of thumb it is parallel, and behind the extended line of thumb it is a direct entry. Hope this helps! -
A published holding procedure has an inbound track of 030°(M). You are approaching the fix from 010° (no wind). The appropriate entry procedure is (offset/parallel/direct).
A published holding procedure has an inbound track of 030°(M). You are approaching the fix from 010° (no wind), so heading 190°. The appropriate entry procedure is (offset).
- place your hand like in the attachment, put your index on the inbound track. If you are approaching between the thumb and index, it is an offset entry, between index and extended line of thumb it is parallel, and behind the extended line of thumb it is a direct entry. Hope this helps! -