Zapory Flashcards
Ale ona mu neotvara
But she does not open for him
Nie nutne
No necessarily
To sa nehodi
It is nit convenient
Ja nepracujem ani v sibotu ani v nedelu
I work neither saturday nor sunday
Ona nema nepriatelov
She does not have enemies
Nie vsetky deti maju radi jablka
Not all children like apples
My nemame dost zamestnancov v tomto momente
We do not have enough staff at the moment
Moj dom nema ziadnu strechu
My hause has no roof
Moja izba nema ziadne okna
My room does not have any windows
Nemam ziadne odpovede
I do not have any answers
Ja citim ze je nieco zle
I feel that something is wrong
Niekto ma vtaka
Someone has a bird
Ja poznam niekoho v tej restauracii
I know someone at the restaurant
Kazdy ma rodicov
Everyone has parents
Nemam nic
I have nothing
Nikto so mnou nerozprava
Nobody speaks to me
Vsetko je mozne
Everything is possible
Je niekto unaveny?
Is anybody tired?
Nikto iny tu nieje
Nobody else is here
My pijeme vsetko
We drink everything
On je cokolvek
He eats anything
Nikto z nas nieje dokonaly
None of us are perfect
Je este nieco zle?
Is there anything else wrong?
Ziadneho psa nemame
We have no dog
Tieto deti jedia
These children eat
To je niekto iny
It is someone else
My pijeme kazdu kavu s cukrom
We drink each coffee whit sugar
Nikto nieje
There is no one
Toto su nase taniere
These are our plates
Niesom vobec unaveny
I am not tired at all
Ja nemam prax
I do not have practice
Ja nemam vela casu
I do not have much time
Nikto nieje
There is no one
Neznasam cukor
I hate sugar
Nie bez mojho vedomia
No without my knowledge
Jej znalodi su zaujimave
Her knowledge is intersting
Ziadna dalsia priprava nieje nutna
No other preparation is necessary
Ma on psy?
Does he have dogs?
Nevidim vas
I do not see you
I do not swim
Ona nema ziadnych surodencov
She does not have any siblings
Nemam ta rada
I do not like you
Ja nerada varim
I do not like the cook
Korytnacky nebehaju
Turtles do not run
Ona neplati
She does not pay
Oni neplatia
They do not pay
Ten vojak nema rodinu
The solder does not have a family
My nehovorime s nim
We do not speak with him
Nenechavaju ma spat
They do not let me sleep
Nedotykam sa jej
I do not touch her
Nepocujem ta
I do not hear me
It does not rain
On nepocuva
He does not listen
My necvicime
We do not excercise
Nehovor mi to
Do not tell to me
Neznasat ustielanie postele
I hate to make the bed
Ja to nepotrebujem
I do not need it
Neber to
Do not take it
Nepridavaj cukor
Do not add sugar
Este neviem
I do not know yet
On mi nevola
He does not call me
Nevolaj mi dnes, volaj mi zajtra
Do not call me today call me tomorrow
Nemyslim si to
I do not think so
Nemas pravo otvarat tu krabicu
You do not have the right to open this box
Nepozeraj sa do tej krabice
Do not look in the box
Ona sa nepyta
She does not ask
Nevstupujte do vody
Do not enter the water
Nic mi nehovor
Do not say anything to me
Nemam prax
I do not have practice
V noci neprsi
It does not rain at night
Nehovor mi to
Do not tell it to me
Nechcem si nic nechat
I do not want keep anything
Nevidim ta
I do not see you
Nevidim ho
I do not see him
Ona neplati
She does not pay
Nehraj sa na ulici
Do not play in the street
Nedotykaj sa ma
Do not touch me
My necvicime
We do not exercise
Neznasam ustielat postel
I hate to make the bed
Ja nepracujem
I do not work
Neber to
Do not take it
Ty ma nenavstevujes
You do not visit me
Nemyslim na to
I do not think about it
Nemyslim si to
I do not think so
Skola ma nebavi
I do not like school
It does not rain
Nemal som to
I did not have it
Tieto topanky mi nesedia
These shoes do not fit me
Nechybam jej
She does not miss me
Nepaci sa mi tvoje chovanie
I do not like your behavior
Aku chorobu ma?
What disease does he have?
Moja matka nema rada nasilie
My mother does not like violence
Moja teta neje ziadne maso
My aunt doesn t eat any meat
S tetou velmi nehovorim
My aunt and i dont talk a lot
Preco nosi tvoja teta tieto klobuky?
Why does your aunt wear these hats?
Ma ta izba internet?
Does the room have internet?
Nelutujem svojich cinov
I am not sorry for my actions
Ma bratov?
Does he have brothers?
Ja som pisal domacu uloh…..
I wrote my homework
I din t weite my homework
Did you write your homework?
Verim ze nie
I hope not
Necitim si svoj nos
I do not feel my nose