Uzitocne frazy Flashcards
Pouzil si moju farbu?
Did you use my paint?
Oni pochadzaju z hudobnej rodiny?
Do they come from a musical family?
Dnes vecer ideme do divadla
Tonight we are going to the theater
Dali mi ruzu
They gave me a rose
Ja robim kosik
I am making a basket
Ja som videl spiaceho psa
I saw a sleeping dog
Premyslam o tom
I am thinking about it
Ja jem jablko
I am eating an apple
Nechavat tu auto, nieje dobry napad
Leaving the car here is not a good idea
Ja som sla na prechadzku
I went go a walk
Cvicim dve hodiny denne
I exercise twoo hours a day
Nechal som svoju tenisovu raketu vo vlaku
I left my tennis racket on the train
Kolko stoji tato raketa?
How much is this racket?
Kedy chodis plavat?
When do you go swimming?
Moj kamarat nikdy necvici
My friend never exercises
Sla som vcera na prechadzku
I went for a walk yesterday
Ja som hovorila s mojim otcom
I was talking to my father
Ja idem dalsim autobusom
I am taking the next bus
Nerozumiem co hovoris
I do not understand what you are saying
Premyslala som o tom
I have been thinking about it
Ja cakam na autobus
I am waiting for the bus
Skusala som plavat
I was trying to swim
Nejdem peso
I am not walking
Zima prichadza
The winter is coming
Ona nosila okuluare
She was wearing glasses
My prichadzame z rakuska
We are coming from austria
Studujem anglictinu
I am studying english
My na to pozerame spolu
We are watching it together
They are walking
Co sa tu deje?
What is happening here?
On neje
He is not eating
Kde oni plavaju?
Where are they swimming?
Co pijes?
What are you drinking?
Pozeraju sa na nas?
Are they looking at us?
Nikam nejdem
I am not going anywhere
Buduci tyzden ideme plavat
Next week we are going swimming
On hlada pracu
He is looking for a job
Citas knihu?
Are you reading a book?
Co si myslis co som robil?
What do you think i was doing?
Ja pisem novu knihu
I am writing a new book
Moj otec pil pomarancovy dzus v dome mojej sestry
My father was drinking orange juice in my sister s house
Dufam ze sa mas dobre
I hope you are doing well
On spal ako miminko
He has been sleeping like a baby
Nemam cas na citanie
I do not have time for reading
Mam rad varenie a jedenie
I like cooking and eating
Ja som ta nepocul volat
I did not hear you calling
Ako sa ma tvoja zena?
How is your wife doing?
Ja vzdy pijem pohar mlieka nez idem do postele
I always drink a glass of milk before goig to the bed
Ja nerad zacinam kavou
I do not starting with coffee
Ja sa pokusam naucit sa anglicky
I am trying to learn english
Ty cakas na mna?
Are you waiting for me?
Ty cakas na mna?
Are you waiting for me?
Citam knihu
I am reading a book
Otvoril som ten plavecky bazen
I have opening the swimming pool
Ja som ho videl
I have seen him
Ja ti rad pisem
I like writing to you
My bereme tie deti do skoly
We are taking the children to school
Na co cakas?
What are you waiting for?
Ma ta izba internetove pripojenie?
Does the room have internet access?
Ten zapas je na inom programe
The match is on another channel
Ty nemas pristup na internet
You do not have access to the internet
Je v tej izbe internet?
Is there internet in the room?
Vies ako sa poziva ten fotoaparat?
Do you want how to use this camera?
Pocuvam hudbu
I listen to the music
To je fotka mojej sestry
It is a photo of my sister
Musis sa ucit krok za krokom
You have to learn step by step
Ja som siel na prechadzku
I went for a walk
On vyzera ako hrac
He looks like a player
Mas rad sport?
Do you like sports?
Sla som vcera na prechadzku
I went for a walk yesterday
Kde hrajes volejbal?
When do you play volleyball?
Kolko stoji tato raketa?
How much is this racket?
Ja cvicim dve hodiny denne
I exercise two hours every day
Chodis do telocvicne?
Do you go to the gym?
Moj kamarat nikdy necvici
My friend never exercise
Su oni v telocvicni?
Are they at the gym?
Koniec hry
Game over