Chciet Flashcards
Chcem ti povedat vsetko
I want to tell you everything
Ja to chcem najst
I want to find it
Chcem to zmenit
I want to change that
Chcem aby si mi dal kudok chleba
I want you to give me a piesce of bread
Chcem jej dat auto
I want to give her a car
Chcem si to skusit este raz
I want to try it one more time
Chcem sa opytat na jej meno
I want to ask her name
Nechcem aby si to predal
I do not want you to sell it
Chcem aby si ma nechal zaplatit veceru
I want you to let me pay for dinner
Chcem ist s tebou
I want to go with you
Chcem si prenajat auto
I want to rent a car
Chcem byt s tebou
I want to be you
Oni chcu aby som bol otcom
They want me to be a father
Ktore miesta chces?
Which places do you want?
Chcem si prenajat auto
I want to rent a car
Chcem to najst
I want to find it
Chcem ti povedat vsetko
I want to tell you everything
Chces mi pomoct?
Do you want to help me?
Chces aby som ti pomohol?
Do you want me to help you?
Chces aby som ta vzal domov?
Do you want me to take you home?
Co chces vediet?
What do you want to know?
Co chces vediet?
What do you want to know?
Ja chcem aby pracoval na vsetkom
I want him to work on everything
Chcem to zmenit
I want to change that
Chces ist so mnou?
Do you want to come with me?
Chcem soferovat
I want to drive
Chcem sa opytat na jej meno
I want to ask her name
Chces ist?
Do you want to go?
Chcem byt s tebou
I want to be you
Nechcem aby bol taky
I do not want him to be like that
Nechcem vidiet to vybavenie
I do not want to see that equipment
Chcem riadit
I want to drive
Co chces jest?
What do you want to eat?
Napriklad chcem ist do anglicka
For instance i want to go to england
Chcem aby si mi povedal pravdu
I want you to tell me the truth
Napriklad chcem ist do Anglicka
For instance i want to go to England
Chcel zabudnut na bolest
He wanted to forget the pain
Chcem tvoj nazor
I want your opinion