Chciet Flashcards
Chcem ti povedat vsetko
I want to tell you everything
Ja to chcem najst
I want to find it
Chcem to zmenit
I want to change that
Chcem aby si mi dal kudok chleba
I want you to give me a piesce of bread
Chcem jej dat auto
I want to give her a car
Chcem si to skusit este raz
I want to try it one more time
Chcem sa opytat na jej meno
I want to ask her name
Nechcem aby si to predal
I do not want you to sell it
Chcem aby si ma nechal zaplatit veceru
I want you to let me pay for dinner
Chcem ist s tebou
I want to go with you
Chcem si prenajat auto
I want to rent a car
Chcem byt s tebou
I want to be you
Oni chcu aby som bol otcom
They want me to be a father
Ktore miesta chces?
Which places do you want?
Chcem si prenajat auto
I want to rent a car